Sunday, January 25, 2009

Major Hand Crap(ow)

I hand-wrote a total of 100 definitions today. Now my hand hurts like crap. Still 36 left to do tomorrow. But it's all going to be worth it because it means 10 extra points on my history final(which seems ridiculous-200 words for only 10 points? oh well. it's a good studying tool too.)
Ow. The pain! I should not be typing. Goodnight, everyone!

The Host, Tyrone Wells, my reincarnated love for David Archuleta, and weird dreams


So it's another wonderful long weekend for me-I'm off tomorrow-so I thought I'd make a post.
Not much is happening, but I thought I'd talk a little bit about the minor things that are going on.

I bought The Host the other day(yes, it's extremely expensive-$25-but worth it!) and it's amazing! I'm only on the 6th chapter-I am a slow reader(my brain likes to linger on every detail), but I can already tell this is going to be one of my favorite books(possibly better than Twilight?) For those of you who didn't know, The Host is written by Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight series. Because of her, poor J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter have been cast in the shadows. Anyone out there like me that still loves Harry Potter? I feel so alone...
Anyway, it's a great book. It's got everything-action, romance, sci-fi-and much more.

So has anyone heard "Home" by Marc Broussard? Great song. Here's the link(embedding's disabled):
I made a Pandora station based on that song and I've come across some great stuff, including Tyrone Wells. The song that really caught my attention was "Sugar So Sweet". It's kind of a bluesy-rock feel. I looked him up on itunes and found another song that's really good(but very different from "Sugar So Sweet") called "More". Check it out here:

I've been having so many weird dreams lately. The topics range from Nikki and Lunch Chris getting married, to a cute dress, to David Archuleta. He popped up behind me in one of my dreams the other night and since then, I can't get him out of my mind. He was cuter in my dream though(which I honestly didn't think was possible)

That's about it, I guess. Hope you all like the wonderful pic above, courtesy of it out!)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Synfan's New Blog

Ok, this is her THIRD blog. Not sure how long it'll last, but check it out(and try not to get too attatched)

P.S.By the way, Synfan, HATE the layout. Seriously, are you trying to scare people away?

Friday, January 23, 2009


Ok, I finally found an app for my iPod so that I can post on my blog from my itouch. So basically, I'll be blogging way more.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blogger Templates

Don't know if I've already made a post about this, but I'm going to post it again anyway for those like James who are starting a new blog or want to revamp their current one.
Awesome Blogger layouts:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pride(In The Name of Love), The Inauguration, and SNOW!!!!

Today was crazy!!!!

We finally got snow here-which I must stress, happens very rarely. So it's very exciting! Yes, I went out in my huge over-sized jacket and threw snowballs at my little brother and I loved it. Then the two of us decided to be a bit cliche and so we sipped hot chocolate and ate popcorn on a blanket in front of the fire, watching the snow come down. It started coming down something like 6:00 A.M. and fell continuously until like, 2:00 P.M. Now it's starting to melt, but school is still canceled for tomorrow! WOO! That means more time to study for my finals! Yippee..(hint:that was definitely sarcasm).

In other news, yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr. day, as we all know. Hopefully everyone took a moment to remember this amazing person. He's definitely one of my heroes.
In honor of him, here is one of the greatest songs by the greatest band,"Pride(In The Name Of Love)" by U2-a live version. Enjoy!

Did you guys watch the inauguration? Obama gave a very beautiful speech and the whole thing was emotional and incredible. It's crazy to think that this is the first black president-they're have been 43 presidents before him! It seems strange that it's taken this long, but I'm glad it's happened and that we got to be a part of history. I sound like a history geek(which I kinda am).

Would anyone like to join in on a chorus of Spongebob's "Best Day Ever"?
It's the best day eeevveerr

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dave Matthews, Moses Mayfield, Finals, and Mr.Brightside


So, this week has been very stressful, but it got much better. My dad won tickets on the radio to Dave Matthews in April and guess who gets to go? Your's truly. Unfortunately, all of the people I know are so uncultured they'd never even heard of him. Seriously, something is wrong with them. I found that out once Synfan didn't know who Santana was and then it followed with her "forgetting" who Bob Marley is. Yeah, right. "Forgetting". Sure.

I just found these awesome outtakes from that gorgeous Twilight Vanity Fair shoot. Enjoy! And thanks to

Anyway, I had my first final yesterday and then I got out early. I was supposed to see Bride Wars with Nikki, SunnyD, Sarah, and....someone, but it didn't really work out. But I have a three and a half day weekend, all half days next week, and Friday off, so it's all good.

I was listening to Pandora the other day and I heard this song called "Element" by Moses Mayfield. It's amazing and it turns out the rest of the band's songs rock too! Here's "Element", for those who are interested.

Speaking of awesome music, I just came across Boyce Avenue's latest cover a few minutes ago and just had to share it with you. It's "Mr.Brightside" by The Killers, which i know is one of SunnyD's favorites. The band did an awesome cover and made the song way better than it is(as always!), so enjoy!

Did anyone else here any awesome music lately?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So Bored....

Yeah, so I'm in the library and i'm supposed to be working, but I finished and now I'm bored.
Anyone else really bored?
I'm keeping a that shirtless pic of Craig Horner up in the other window so I can keep peaking at it when no one's looking(pathetic, huh?)
Wow. 300-something votes on my Twilight poll. Dang, those are always so popular.
I'm hoping to see Bride Wars on Friday. It's a half day due to exams. If SunnyD's off and everyone else is free, i'm so seeing it. Anyone see it yet? Was it funny? Looks hilarious and i love Anne Hathaway. Definitely one of my favorite actors ever.
Class is moving SO slowly. I feel like I've been here for two hours, but it's only been an hour and i still have 30 mins. left. Somebody, help me.
So, not really looking forward to lunch either-I've gotta work first half and then I'm going to be stuck with small annoying people because of Nikki's love for them.
Gotta go!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

This Weekend Was SHORT!

Just like me, this weekend was very short. Really, who was stupid enough to come up with the concept of working 5 days and only getting 2 off? That person obviously wasn't thinking.
I've barely had any time to really relax and do nothing this weekend with so much work to do. And get this-I still have more work to do. Ugh. Then it's back to the grind.
It's weird how every weekday is just a routine. Everything I do is exactly the same everyday that it makes me wonder if I would be able to function normally is something changed.
So, how was everyone's weekend?
I can't stop drooling over Craig Horner. Here's an interview with him for your entertainment:

James Franco has taken a few days off from school to go to the Golden Globes. I feel like I know him now. Cross your fingers and hope he wins! I sure hope Just Jared posts pictures of him on the red carpet.
And may I just say, Angelina Jolie looks stunning here:

SunnyD had to wake up at 4:00 A.M. on Saturday and stay out until 9:00 P.M., because she's got an amazingly sweet boyfriend and she's gotta live up to it and be the best girlfriend she can be. So she was stuck with "Mezzie"(ha!) all day. If you know him, you know how bad that is.

Has anyone else had any experiences with not being able to stay angry at someone lately? I hate it when I really want to be mad at someone, but they make it impossible. Arg. Darn those people and their extreme likeability.

Well, guess I'll go take a shower now. Have a great week, people, and I'll talk to you soon!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hot Guy of Forever: Craig Horner

Wow. Holy crap this guy is gorgeous. I'd seen him in commercials for Legend of the Seeker and thought he was hot, but I didn't know he was THIS hot!
I totally need to watch that show.

P.S. Mmm, and he's Australian. Yum.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Taylor Lautner Is Still Jacob Black

I heard this morning that contrary to rumors, that cutie Taylor Lautner will be returning as Jacob Black in the upcoming New Moon.
Happy about this decision? I am.
Though the other choice, Michael Something(don't remember his last name) was super hot and would make a good Jacob, Taylor is just perfect for Jacob. Looking forward to seeing much more of him in New Moon!

My Week In Hell

TGIAF! (Thank God It's Almost Friday)
This week has been SO long, even though I missed school yesterday and my first two periods on Monday(or was it tuesday? I just don't know the days of the week anymore).
So, yeah, this week has been TERRIBLE. On top of the terrible stomach problems I've been having(apparently, I don't eat enough fruit and i'm paying for it in 3 weeks of pain), I got a really bad cold. So I had to go around school, up three floors and answer people's stupid questions with an almost-fever sickness. Luckily, when I was sick, I didn't really notice my stomach hurting...but now that I'm feeling better, my stomach pain is emphasized.
On top of all of that, I'm taking a sewing class, which was definitely one of the worst choices I've ever made, and I have to make a skirt. We got this project like, 3 months ago. Unfortunately, I suck majorly at even the simplest of sewing, so I missed the due date on Tuesday and I'm stuck coming in at lunch to finish the huge amount that I have to do.
Oh, and everyone seems to get a kick outta this one: I woke up this morning and before I left, I checked the temperature. Well, since I didn't want to turn on the light by the door, I just held my ipod screen up to it. There was a glare, but I thought it said 75 degrees. In my drowsy state I didn't realize that that's ludicrous with the weather we've had. So I just took my sweatshirt. Anyway, I got outside and checked my ipod's weather-turns out it was 35, not 75. Sucks, huh? So I froze in the morning. Luckily, it got slightly warmer. And I didn't have to spend much time outside.
Exams are coming up, and if I want to raise my three B's and a C, I'm going to have to do some major studying. So my weekend's basically going to suck.
I was hoping to go see Bride Wars tommorrow, but I don't think it'll work out. I just need one night to relax and unwind from this crazy week. Maybe Saturday, though.
Sorry I had to vent so much.
Anyone else have a really bad week?
Maybe this will make it better. It's been going through my head.

P.S. Sorry about the weird font-size change. Why is it that you change the font size for one word and then there's no way back to the original size? It's annoying.


I think I'm going to delete my Pullip blog. I dunno, I just got kinda bored of it. And it's more fun to post on because tons of Pullip fans see it.
Anyway, sorry if I disappointed anyone. I'm just getting bored of it already. Not a good sign.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This One's For You, James

I just came across this a minute ago. I read it and every single one of those things are things you don't do. Lol, read it over and consider maybe not being annoying. It's probably a lost cause.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


So, my aunt is taking this writing class for 10 days and guess who's in her class?
Is that not incredible and awesome?
I FREAKED out SO much.

Monday, January 5, 2009

I'm Bored and I Need To Vent

Hello, everyone!

Today was an interesting day. It started off with extreme stomach pain at 3:00 a.m., continued with going into school late, and then it started being super weird.
See, apparently tomorrow's Naomi's birthday. And, as I just found out, she has a big crush on Cody, the infamous head-banger(ok, he's not that bad, but still). So Naomi's friend, Phoebe came up to Cody today and asked him for a big favor. Haha, that was great. I'll just write it out like it happened:
Phoebe: So, Cody, can I ask you a kinda bit favor?
Cody:(scared look)
Phoebe: Please? Tomorrow's Naomi's birthday. And since she likes you, I was wondering...
Cody:(even more scared) No!
Phoebe: Please?! Just give her her present and kiss her.
Cody:(shaking his hair like he does when he's angry, uncomfortable, etc) Nooo!!!!!!

The look on his face was classic. Wish you could've seen it.
Unfortunately for Naomi, she's totally not his type. Of course, we all agree that he and Sarah would make an adorable coulpe, but since she turned him down....well, let's just say things are awkward between them.

Back to my day-in Art, due to extreme annoyance via Francois and Chris, I walked out with a terrible headache, which, in History, turned into a full out cold. AGAIN. God, I was just sick like, three weeks ago! Give me a break!
Ugh. So yeah, that was my day. Anyone else have a bad/weird day?

I can't stop listening to this song. Anyone heard it? It puts me in a good mood. Thank god for headphones, because I keep pressing 'repeat' over and over again.
Sorry for the bad quality vid, it's the best I could find.
So, the song's called "Other Ways" by Trevor Hall. Enjoy!

P.S. You're crazy if you read that whole thing(especially without falling asleep)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Am I Weird?

Okay, I need your opinion. Am I totally weird for thinking Shaun White(aka The Flying Tomato) is incredibly sexy? I don't know what it is about him. He's got a great smile. Usually I don't go for guys with long hair, but I have a strong attraction to red hair(ONLY on guys, Nikki). Anyway, am I crazy? Tell me.

P.S. Of course, he's incredibly talented, too.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Addicted To Pullip

Ok, here's my newest blog, Addicted To Pullip. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with three blogs(I know, I'm slacking on, but, hey, the Twilight hype has slowed down)
Anyway, check it out, whether you're into Pullips or not. Who knows, you might like them if you give them a chance!

"That's all!"
Miranda, "The Devil Wears Prada"

Pullips, New Blog, and the Heart Of Life

Ok, I'm going to confess my dorkiness, right here, right now. Brace yourselves.
I've become absolutely obsessed with these BJD(ball-joint dolls) called Pullips(Poo-leeps). They're super adorable, super-posable dolls made in Korea that are popular in Japan. Anyway, my mom got one a few months ago. I decided I wanted one, so I got one for Christmas, while my mom got two more, a guy and a girl.
Let me tell you, I've never been so glad I saved so much crap. I've always been one to never let go of things-old papers/letters, broken toys, and, luckily, all my barbie furniture/clothes/accessories. Yes, call me crazy, but I have a total of three boxes full of barbie stuff. One HUGE box of furniture, two slightly smaller boxes full of barbies themselves along with accessories and clothing. And I keep buying more. I already have two rooms made for my doll. Post pics soon.
The great thing about them is that they are extremely posable. You can even change their bodies, to get a more flexible one. They're also very customizable. You can buy different wigs and eyechips and change the doll to whatever you want.
I've been taking pics of mine NON-STOP. Addicted, much?
I've decided to start a Pullip blog with my mom. I'll post more once I have it set up.

Has anyone heard "Heart Of Life" by John Mayer? I LOVE that song SO much. The guitar, the old-timey feeling, and John Mayer's gorgeous voice. Check it out here:

P.S. More doll pics here

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hot Guy of Whenever: Jay Kenneth Johnson

OK, there's no denying this guy is gorgeous.
He's 32, he was born in Springfield, Missouri, and you may have seen him on Days of Our Lives, Scrubs, The O.C., or CSI.


Is it just me, or would he make an awesome Carlisle?

ore pics and info here:

722 VOTES?!!

Ok, I almost want to cry because of how many votes there are. Seriously, people, 722? WOW! Oh my gosh, you have no idea how much this means to me! It's crazy. There were 694 last night! Already 28 more? Am I the only one that thinks that's absolutely amazing? I'm elated!

Anyway, I'm sad that I have to take it down, but I'm putting up a new template and unfortunately, I can't keep my widgets. But I'll put up another Twilight poll, since obviously people like those the best.

Thanks, everyone! You guys rock!

Things I'm Looking Forward To In 2009

1. The Fray's new album!!!

2. U2's new album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3. The new HP in 3-D(freaking amazing, right?)

4. Hopefully, New Moon will be out this year. If not, I'm still looking forward to trailers, leaks, and more pics/things about the cast.

5. The end of the school year.

6. More new books! Hopefully something as awesome as HP and Twilight will come out.

7. New music! I always love hearing new stuff that I love.

8. More pics of RPattz and Kristen!!!

9.Obama becoming president!

10. Having fun with my friends!!!

11. Going to the beach.

12. My birthday, in March!

12. Lily Allen's new album!

New Years Resolutions

Ok, I have quite a few resolutions because I'm determined to make '09 great, unlike '08. Starting a new year is like starting on a blank page. The semester ends soon, which means all new classes. It's time to reinvent myself.

1. Lose a decent amount of weight(something I keep telling myself I'll do) Unfortunately, I'm a big procrastinator, and I'm smitten with dessert...

2. Help bring the old Synfan back(if that isn't possible, at least bring her out of her house-that is, if we're still friends-she's been kinda mean lately, guess she has her reasons, though-hopefully it'll pass)

3. Hopefully finish Grin and Bear It with Nikki and SunnyD

4. Stay bffs with SunnyD and Nikki, and hopefully my other peeps, too.

5. Continue blogging-I haven't quit yet and I don't intend to!

6. Try to see more movies-I just don't see enough movies and so people get mad.

7. Read more books! I have this problem-I'm not crazy about reading new books all the time, most of the time I'm too lazy to go to the library and so I read books I own that I've already read 3 or 4 times.

8. Re-read the Twilight series(for the first time-shocker, right?)

9. Rekindle my love for U2-hopefully with help from their new album.

10. Find at least 30 new bands I like(shouldn't be hard)

11. Try as much as I can(only good things though, not crack or smoking)

12. Get back into playing music as much as I used to.

13. Successfully learn the ukulele(I'm close!)

14. Hang more pictures in my room(I know, I have weird resolutions, but that's just me)

15. Try to see Rebecca, Hollie, and all of my old peeps.

16. Spend more time with Maggie and Laura.

17. Hopefully find a boyfriend? Maybe? Too much to ask? Probably.

18. Try to be nicer.

19. Try to help Francois become a bit less abnormal, help him fit in a bit more(why am I bothering, honestly? Why must my concious torture me like this? What good has he done for me?)

20. Stay in touch with as many people as I can.

21. Stay off of Facebook, Myspace, and all that is evil.

22. Be happy!

Yeah, that was a long list. It was partially my resolutions, but also serves as a bucket list, too.