Thursday, April 30, 2009

So Far Behind...

Wow, I have been SO busy in the past two weeks. I decided to check the blogs I'm following...I have 14 unread posts from Shela! I need to get on more often. Hopefully I'll have some time this weekend. Sorry to bore you all with my lack of posting!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dave Matthews, Long Week, and Stuff

IT's been SUCH a long week. I went to the Dave Matthews concert with my dad on wednesday and had a BLAST! It was an amazing concert. And they played the new single that I LOVE LOVE LOVE. Here it is. Listen to the lyrics, they're INCREDIBLE.

This week has been so long. So many projects and stuff. And issues with certain people...

I just saw 17 Again-it was an awesome movie and is now one of my favorites!

Oh, and I'm reading To Kill a Mockingbird for English and loving it! I have some awesome quotes from it to post.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Review: 17 Again

I just got back from seeing 17 Again! I LOVED IT!!! It was so hilarious. The casting was really good, the romance was lovely, it was super funny, and just overall awesome.
I used to like Zac Efron, but he turned into a douche for a couple years. But I saw him on the Ellen show and I started to like him a bit more. But this movie made me a fan. Seriously, he looked SO hot!!!!
Wow, I'm starting to gush. Just go see the movie, you won't regret it!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Favorite Twilight Scene

It took a while, but I finally decided what my favorite scene in Twilight was(the song definitely helps) Check it out:

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Ring

Here's the peace sign ring I was telling you all about a couple posts back. Isn't it cute? Unfortunately, I've lost the engagement ring I bought for myself :( It's gotta be somewhere, though. Hopefully it'll show up!

I'm Such a Nerd...

I just uploaded 157 pictures and it's only 1:00. I woke up at 9:30. And all of these pics are from 1 photoshoot with my doll. Sad, isn't it?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Running In Heels-Season 1

I first heard about this show on iTunes. The first episode was in the free section on the homepage. I decided to download it for the hell of it and actually really enjoyed it! I'm not usually into the super-dramatic reality TV, but this show's another one of my guilty pleasures ;)
It follows the lives of three interns at Marie Claire. Ashley(on the left) is a jealous freak that's not afraid to sabotage the others to get what she wants. Talita(middle) is the nicest in my opinion. Though I think her voice and peeing teacup dog is kind of annoying, she's not mean like the other two. Samantha(on the right) was the nicest of the 3 in the first episode, but turned into a major bitch somewhere along the way. She thinks she's better than everyone. There's a huge rivalry between she and Ashley especially, even though they all kind of hate each other. Talita seems to get along with Ashley, somehow, though in the last episode I watched, she and Sam ganged up together.
I really like Nina Garcia, former Project Runway judge and now the head of Marie Claire. She's very nice and she handles a lot. I also like Joanna Coles. She can be tough on the girls, but she gives them what they need to be successful and she also handles a LOT. She's kind of like Miranda from The Devil Wears Prada, except she isn't a devil. She also rewards the girls when they do something right, which I can appreciate.
Sergio Kletnoy is my favorite, though. I'm not exactly sure what he does, but he's super cute(in my opinion) and he's always causing trouble without trying to. He's always giving one of the girls an oppurtinuty the others don't get, like covering a fashion show or interview. It always creates some type of fued.
I've only seen two episodes, but I've DVRed a whole bunch that I need to watch before they get erased.
It's a half-hour long on the Style channel(not sure what time-check your TV guide). I suggest watching it some time.

Oh, and I did I mention all three of these bitchy girls have to share an apartment? Oh yeah, it's good ;)

So Much To Blog About...

Hope everyone's having a great Easter!
Spring Break is exactly what I needed. Even though it was cut two days short due to make-up for snow days, it still seemed pretty long.
On Wednesday, I went to a botanical garden(sounds nerdy) with my mom, siblings, and grandparents. I got a whole bunch of good flower pictures.
On Thursday, my brother and my grandparents and I went to the zoo. I saw the cutest animal ever-one that I'd never seen or even heard of-called a cacomistle. Here's a pic of the adorable little animal:
Another animal I saw that's similar to a cacomistle was the coati. SOOOO CUTE! Here's a pic of one:
Anyway, I had tons of fun at the zoo(you're never too old for animals!)

Friday was awesome. SunnyD, Sarah, Nikki, and I all went out to the mall. I just made $50 the day before and I planned to spend a little bit of it, but by the end of the day, I'd spent all but $2. It was soooo worth it though.

I got a pair of earrings from Light Years(they were only $11!!! That's crazy cheap!!!), a pair of aviator sunglasses from Icing along with a cute peace sign ring. Pics at the top of the post-I'm having issues moving them down here :( Oh, and I forgot to take a pic of the peace sign ring...oh well, I'll post one later!
After that, we got big hot pretzels-I got a buttered one with cheddar cheese dip. Yum :P
Sarah and Nikki wanted to go to Hot Topic and SunnyD and I usually feel weird and out of place there, so we split up, Sarah and Nikki to Hot Topic, me and Sunny to some sort of Bath&Body place(don't remember what it's called). We looked like homos. Lol, Sunny picked up a couple sampler bottles and said,"TRY ME!". Then we found these heavenly massager things, so we spent a couple minutes rubbing them up and down each other's backs(yeah, we definitely looked gay, but who cares?) And then Sunny had some SERIOUS issues pronoucning 'Brazil'. Lol, good times, good times. We had a bit of time left(or so we thought) before Nikki and Sarah would be done in Hot Topic, so Sunny and I wandered over to Hallmark and read passionate and inspirational cards to each other in strange accents. It's times like those that will remain in my mind forever.
Not much happened yesterday. I went to the farmer's market with my family and ended up freezing because I was wearing a t-shirt and short shorts in 60 degree weather(I know, my bad) Of course, I thought about bringing my sweatshirt, but I thought,"Nah. I won't need it." Stupid.
Today, I went to church, Bojangles, and then my grandparents came over and I ate WAY too much food. It was like Thanksgiving. I've slacked off majorly on eating healthy over the break. I've promised myself that I will eat healthy when school starts back up on tuesday. Ugh. Tuesday. The word makes me cringe.

What I'm Listening To Right Now: "Wordplay" by Jason Mraz(aka Mr.A-Z-I LOVE that-that boy's freakin amazing)
What I'm Reading: The Host by Stephenie Meyer(still-but it's gotten better-or at least given me more hope for a happy ending...however, I am at a kind of graphic part I wish I could un-read)
What I Watched Last: I watched a new episode of The Office that we had recorded from a couple nights ago last night. Hoping to watch Parks and Recreation, Amy Poehler's new show soon. My grandparents said it was disappointing, though. Hoping their wrong!
Latest Obsession: Finding ways to customize my dolls. What a nerd.

Well, that's it,hope everything's going well for everybody!
Happy Easter

<3 Alanna

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

461, Garden, Anna Faris, Adam Lambert, and My Possible New Story

Hey guys!

I'm going to start off by telling you my huge accomplishment-taking 461 pictures in a course of 2 days! I didn't even go's pretty crazy.

I went to a botanical garden today to take some pics of flowers! I got some really good pics that I'm hoping to post tonight on Flickr(if I'm not too lazy) Check in a couple hours and they might be up.

Have I mentioned how much I love Anna Faris? I recorded her on Jimmy Kimmel(who I also love) and I REALLY need to watch it. She's just such a good actor!

So I was watching American Idol last night. We had it recorded and our DVR is stupid as mess. American Idol went over by like, 2 minutes and Adam Lambert(basically, everyone's favorite contestant at the moment-who always does amazing)was up next. It cut it off and switched the channel. GRRRR. So i was really pissed. But, luckily, I was able to find it on youtube. It took a couple of tries, though. There were 3 videos of it. I clicked on two of them and both said,"Sorry, this video is not available in your country". SERIOUSLY, WTF? American Idol isn't available in AMERICA?! I also don't understand how they know which country you're in...or why certain videos aren't avaiable in your country...but I'm losing your interest. My point is that I finally found one. He performed "Mad World" by Tears For Fears, which is a great song, and, as always, he did an incredible job. Of course, now the video I watched isn't available anymore :( Sorry guys!

I came up with a story idea yesterday and it's been playing out in my head the majority of my conciousness today. I won't tell too much, but it's about a girl and boy who grow up as best friends on a farm. It takes it through their lives together and how people change as they grow up. I'm planning on having each chapter being told from one or the other's point of view. It'll make more sense later :P
I know, SunnyD and Nikki are probably mad at me for starting something new, but I've lost my passion for Grin and Bear It, and personally, I think all three of us have. We're kinda stuck at the moment, but we'll try to pick it up.

Anyway, spring break's going great so far! I'll post more later. TTYL!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Break!

Hey, everyone!
Spring Break was supposed to start friday, but our county's stupid and took away 2 days of our spring break. Most people rebelled and ditched school, but there were the unlucky ones like me(who gets sick all the time and cannot afford to miss anymore school!) who had to go for the past two days. It wasn't too bad though. We did do much of anything and the school was SO EMPTY! There were a lot of people gone yesterday and TONS more gone today. About 1/3 of the school was there today. Our school is so overcrowded. Today was like, what normal schools' have!

Anyway, so this afternoon was the official start of my spring break. I'm hoping to go to the mall(haven't been in FOREVER) with my besties, but I'm not sure if anyone will be able to make it :(

I started reading The Host again and I was so excited because it was getting REALLY good and then it took an extremely terrible, disturbing turn and at the moment, I hate it, but I'm told that it'll get better, so I'm going to stick it out to the end(plus, I really want to find out what happens) I hate it when little parts ruin a whole book. :(

That's all for now! I'll post some more this week.

P.S. James has a stalker now! The stalker becomes the stalk-ee!

Wow, This is SO Funny!

Ok, I'm pretty sure that we've all heard/seen the video for "Jizz In My Pants" by The Lonely Island. If you haven't, watch it here:

I just found a Twilight version that's pretty well done. So funny! Enjoy!

Beautiful and Dirty Dirty Rich Rich

I love this song! I don't care what they say about Lady Gaga-I think she's awesome. Did anyone see her performance on American Idol? It was so weird, but cool. I like that she's not the same as all the other artists out there.
Anyway, check out this song,"Beautiful and Dirty Rich". I couldn't find the official video that would allow me to embed it, so here's one without the video. If you want to watch the video(it's not great, but it's ok) then here's the link:

Saturday, April 4, 2009

100 Truths

Yeah, I stole this from Shela's blog. Enjoy(and don't be too harsh)

1. Last beverage : Water
2. Last phone call : SunnyD yesterday-good times

3. Last text message : To Laura telling her to text me on my ipod, not my phone.

4. Last song you listened to : Listening to "Sugar So Sweet" by Tyrone Wells. Awesome song.

5. Last time you cried : Well, technically I cried this morning, but it was when i just woke up and my eyes were busy adjusting to the light, so a single tear rolled down my face...besides that, I cried earlier today 'cause my mom jokingly played around and hit me with a hankercheif and it hit my eye really hard and stung a bit. :(


6. Dropped your phone in the toilet : Lol,no.

7. Depended on someone : Yeah, too much probably

8. Dated someone : I wish. Will SO didn't count. At all.

9. Been cheated on : You can't be cheated on if you haven't dated anyone...

10. Kissed someone & regretted it : NBK

11. Been in love: Yeah. I fall in love too easily, it seems.

12. Been depressed : Too much.

13. Been dumped : See #8,9


14. Purple

15. Watermelon

16. Seafoam green

17. Magenta


18. Made new friends : SOOOO many.

19. Fallen out of love : Lol,yes.

20. Laughed until you cried : OH YEAH. Basically anytime me, Nikki,and SunnyD get togther, I end up with sore muscles from laughing too hard

21. Met someone who changed you : Everyone I get close to changes me in some way. For better or for worse.
22. Found out who your true friends were : Oh yeah.
23. Found out someone was talking about you : Yes.

24. Kissed anyone on your friend's list : No


25. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life : All
26. How many kids do you want to have : None. But I might change my mind in the future, but I just hope I'm smart enough to adopt. It's not worth the pain.

27. Do you have any pets : Dog, cat, and fish

28. Do you want to change your name : Sometimes. Like when my science teacher pronounces it wrong all the time(yes, I've never bothered to correct her. I kinda like having an alter-ego in that class)

29. What did you do for your last birthday : I went to IHOP, but my stomach hurt so bad that all i could eat was a fruit salad. Buzzkill.

30. What time did you wake up today : ugh,9:00. Stupid loud brother.
31. What were you doing at midnight last night : Finishing up a chapter of The Host

32. Name something you CANNOT wait for : Spring break on wednesday!

33. Last time you saw your father : Like, 5 minutes ago?

34. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life : Probably all of the crappy people that treated me like shit that I decided to be friends with.
35. What are you listening to right now : "Come Together" by The Beatles.
36. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom : Lol, my dad's name is Tom, so definitely.

37. What's getting on your nerves right now : The fact that Lexi isn't responding to 90% of my texts...wonder what's wrong with that boy...

38. Most visited webpage : Probably Gmail. Facebook second. Just Jared third.


39. What’s your real name : Alanna

40.Nicknames : Azzie, Stupid(lol, by the people i LOVE-not), Lanna, Skipper(that was long time ago, my uncle used to call me that)

41. Relationship Status : Single, as I will probably be forever more...

42. Zodiac sign : Picese(don't know how to spell it...)

43. Male or female or transgender : Last time I checked, I was 100% female
44. Elementary : nunya business

45. Middle School : I'm not telling YOU

46. High school : Just some school. In a place....

47. Hair color : Weird, unnatural red wih my brown roots coming through majorly. Need to dye my hair again. Lexi says my hair's gray at the top(I love that boy, but he's stupid as mess sometimes)

48. Long or short : As of today, short-ish

49. Height : 5'1-i think. I might be 5'2 now...still, I'm freakin short.

50. Build: Not totally fat, but chunky-ish?

51. Do you have a crush on someone : Hell yes

52: What do you like about yourself : My eyes. And my feet.

53. Piercings : Two; in the ears.

54. Tattoos : I'll get some once they develop a painless way to get one...

55. Righty or lefty : Righty-we're hotter


56. First love : Honestly don't know. It would majorly suck if Will was...

57. First piercing : My ears when I was...12(?)

58. First best friends : Reagan. I met her when she was a toddler.

59. First sport you joined : I've always hated sports. Never done any.

60. First pet : My cat, Murr, who we've had before I was born(and who at this moment, is still alive)

61. First vacation : Not sure. I went to Cali when I was 2, but I only remember certain images from it. It's jumbled up in my mind. I'd love to go again(and meet Shela!)

62. First concert : Hmm, that's a toughy...I think it was Nickel Creek
63. First crush : My "boyfriend" Tyler in kindergarten.
64. Eating : Nothing.

65. Drinking : Nothing
66. I'm about to : See what song's coming up next on Pandora

67. Listening to : "Mysterious Ways" by U2

68. Waiting for : Spring break


69. Want kids : Nope.

70. Want to get married : Yeah

71. Careers in mind : Photographer, Interior Designer


72. Lips or eyes : Eyes, they're the window into the soul

73. Hugs or kisses : Depends who it's from. But kisses usually have the same effect. Hugs, however, can mean so many different things.

74. Shorter or taller : Taller. I'm lucky, Lexi's insanely tall.

75. Older or Younger : Older. Sarah thinks I'm crazy for liking guys even 3-4 years over my age. But yes, I'm in love with Johnny Depp. He's in his late 40's. Get over it.

76. Romantic or spontaneous : I agree with Shela, both.

77. Nice stomach or nice arms : Hard choice, but I'm going with arms.

78. Sensitive or loud : Lol, both.
79. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship
80. Trouble maker or hesitant : Trouble maker. I don't like shy guys.


81. Kissed a stranger : Nope.

82. Dined & Dashed : Never.

83. Lost glasses/contacts : Don't have them. 20/20, babe,20/20

84. Sex on first date : Definitely not.

85. Broken someone's heart : I hope not.

86. Had your own heart broken : Maybe

87. Been arrested : Hells no.

88. Turned someone down : I dunno if James counts. He never asked me out...

89. Cried when someone died : WAY too many times.
90. Liked a friend that was a girl? : As a friend and only a friend. 95% straight here(kristen stewart's the only exception)


91. Yourself : I try my best, but it's hard

92. Miracles : Yes.

93. Love at first sight : Somtimes

94. Heaven : I honestly don't even know anymore

95. Santa Claus : Nope.

96. Kiss on the first date : How would i know?

97. Angels : Dunno


98. Is there one person you want to be with right now : Yes. There are a billion of them.

99. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time : So sick of these questions. I think you all know the answer, though. WHoever made this obviously wants to rub my failures in my face

100. Posting this as 100 Truths : huh?