I'm sad to say we've lost three wonderful people in less than a week!
R.I.P. to all of them, they will be missed dearly.
P.S. I forgot Ed McMahon. I think he died in the same week. R.I.P.!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Bad Week For Living
Posted by Alanna at 2:27 PM 5 comments
Labels: billy mays, celebrities, dead, dead celebs, Ed McMahon, farrah fawcett, michael jackson
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Three(Stolen From Shela)
My darling Shela, I am stealing this from you, my blog sister.
Three screen names that you’ve had: alannamonkey, joyfulmonkeys, xx_unspokenmind0xx(I was emo then)
Three things you like about yourself: My lips, my curves, and my ability to always make people laugh :D
Three things you don’t like about yourself: I'm really a total bitch(but what the hell, who cares?), my stomach(it's a real pain-literally), my shortness/stoutness
Three parts of your heritage: Uh..not sure. I'm part Irish, so I guess drinking, shamrocks, and castles? lol
Three things that scare you: Well, I used to put "Michael Jackson" here, but I guess that isn't really appropriate anymore. So I'll put spiders, gas masks(weird fear, but they seriously scare the crap outta me), illnesses(they almost ALWAYS find me)
Three of your everyday essentials: My goat's milk lotion by Canus, my peace sign ring, MY IPOD!!!
Three things you are wearing right now: black shorts, my middle school gym t-shirt(haha, this thing no longer scares me), and underwear
Three of your favorite songs: Omg, WAY TOO MANY!! "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" by U2
(listening to it right now), which everyone that knows me knows I loooove. "Sunday Bloody Sunday" also by the magnificent U2(haha, "Magnificent" is another one of my favorite songs by them! go figure), and "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve. Soooooo many more.
Three things you want in a relationship: Serious music-loving, a love for almost anything 80's, and a '67 Mustang if that's not too much to ask :)
Two truths and a lie: I have been forever single, I think Steve Perry was a sexy beast, I think Michael Jackson was a terrible person and I'm not sad about his death....scroll down for the truth...
(#3 was the lie-c'mon, he was the freakin King of Pop!)
Three things you can’t live without: my iTouch(literally, cannot live without it), music(at ALL times), memories
Three places you want to go on vacation: Paris-Um...do I need to explain? That place is amazing.NYC-I've been before, but only on my way to Boston(didn't get to stay long and I fell in love with it), any picture-perfect caribbean beach ;)
Three things you just can’t do: swallow a pill(becoming an issue lately), attract a freaking dude?, understand politics
Three kids names: Kylie, Peter, Oliver
Three things you want to do before you die: go to a U2 concert(it's HAPPENING! Hopefully. Still waiting for the tickets to be shipped and make sure they're legit-if they are, you will know. Trust me.), make a shrine to Bono(I'm gonna do it over the summer, probably), get one of my photographs in a magazine and/or book
Three celeb crushes: SOOOO MANY!!! RPattz, OBVIOUSLY!, Meagen Fox(the only person that stands between me being 100% straight-but can you blame me?), BONO!!!He's like God to me.
Three of your favorite musicians/bands: Need I say it? Really? u2!!! Journey, The Fray
Three physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you: Arms, calves, buzz cuts
Three of your favorite hobbies: photography, surfing the web, painting
Three things you really want to do badly right now: Get my U2 tickets!!!! Omg, I'm talking about them WAY too much. I also want to start my Bono shrine(ok, I promise, that was it), and paint/sell some birdhouses(anyone want an awesome birdhouse? I'll post pics once I'm done
Three careers you’re considering/you’ve considered: Photographer, Interior designer, shrink(but the crazy should not try to help the crazy)
Three ways that you are stereotypically a boy: My sense of humor is that of a 13-year old boy-I laugh at farts, the word "boobies", and when a history teacher(or anyone else, for that matter) says "rapier" i giggle because I think of rape. Which isn't really a good thing, but I still giggle. Oh and I'm OBSESSED with cars. And I can't even drive.
P.S. I also love quizzes like this, as long as they're not too long
Posted by Alanna at 7:08 PM 2 comments
Mall Day!

Maria and I went to the mall today as a little mini celebration for her birthday(wish her a happy birthday in the comments!!)
We went a few places. Maria went a little bit crazy and bought earrings, a scarf, and sunglasses at Icing's-the crazy part was that it came out to $41.10(I remember the price exactly-she kept repeating it, shocked that she had spent that much) I bought some pink glass tea light holders for $4. We went to a few other places-including Charlotte Russe. Maria bought a really cute plaid black and white bag and some ADORABLE black, suede-fringed gladiator-type of sandals. I got this gorgeous necklace for $6.99 and the ring for $0.99! Sweet, right?
After that, we went back to this movie store to check out the Twilight stuff and guess who we saw on the way over there? Christy Carlson Romano! Doesn't ring a bell? She's the voice of Kim Possible! We're both way too old to be excited about this, but we were anyway. After freaking out a bit("Do you wanna get an autograph?" "I dunno-should we?" "No." "But I want one." "Me too." "You go first." "No, you.") we got in like with the 6 year olds and got posters signed! She was my childhood idol so it was really cool to meet her. She was really sweet, too. Here's the picture she signed for me.
Posted by Alanna at 5:52 PM 5 comments
Labels: Christy Carlson Romano, Fun, Kim Possible, mall day, shopping, tealights
I watched Along Came Polly for the first time yesterday and I'm going to give my honest review. Hopefully it's helpful!
Here's a brief synopsis:
When Ruben Feffer(Ben Stiller) finds his new wife cheating on him with a French scuba instructor on their honeymoon, he starts looking around for the perfect woman. He comes across Polly Prince(Jennifer Aniston), a girl he used to know in middle school.
Ruben is a very catious, non-adventurous man-the exact opposite of Polly. This makes for some very interesting, funny, and terrible situations.
- Ben Stiller!!! He's awesome.
- Some moments were super hilarious(Ben Stiller dancing like a moron, his IBS-Irritable Bowel Syndrome, etc.)
- Jennifer Aniston is really good in this movie.
- Ruben's strange(to say the least) best friend, Sandy, a self-absorbed one-hit-wonder-type of actor.
- The hilarious scuba instructor, Claude :)
- The gay guy that called him Ruby Tuesdays
- It was a bit cliche chick flick in some parts(ex. When Ruben has to run across NY to stop Polly from leaving-honestly, it doesn't get much more cliche than that)
- Debra Messing was really annoying. She kept calling him "Ruby". Ick.
- That's about it.
Hope this was helpful!
Here's the trailer:
Posted by Alanna at 5:33 PM 1 comments
Labels: Along Came Polly, Ben Stiller, Jen Aniston, movie, movie review, review
Friday, June 19, 2009
Because of my good grades(got my report card today-all A's and B's!!) my wonderful mother gave me a Sonny Angel doll!!! And it's the fancy kind that's eyes and limbs move. It is the cutest thing ever-I'm in love with him!
Any ideas for the name?
Posted by Alanna at 7:22 PM 5 comments
Labels: baby, doll, new doll, sonny angel
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I'm super happy because summer vacation started on Tuesday! We had our final exams and got out at 10:30.
I then went out on a shopping trip with my three favorite people in the whole wide world-Sarah, Nikki, and SunnyD. We met up at Panera Bread, laughed and ate some soup, then headed over to Sally's Beauty Supply from there. We looked around at the strange hair extensions, crazy hair colors, and fake hands for a little bit before moving on to Payless Shoes. I found these amazingly gorgeous boots, but they were about a size too small and were killing my feet(they were only $13, though!) I really, really wanted them, but they didn't have any bigger sizes :(
From there, we split up and Sarah and Nikki went to a nerdy video game shop while SunnyD and I had some fun in Hallmark. We played with the noise-making cards for a little while(they're SO COOL!) and then we moved on to Office Depot. We had some fun in the computer chair section. Did you know they order the chairs by what rank you have in a business? I sat in the cool executive chair and Nikki and I did some dorky role playing. After checking out some cats and fish at Petsmart, we crossed the street to Rita's ice cream. Sarah got hit on by this weird guy that said he had a daughter our age. He offered to buy he ice cream. She turned him down. He was a strange fellow. Luckily, he left. Sarah says she's not wearing those short shorts again :P
We waited outside of Payless for a little while, dancing like dorks to my ipod and singing songs from musicals. Then it was time to say goodbye :(
I haven't really done much of anything else since then.
I am now reading a book SunnyD recommended to me, called My Most Excellent Year. I'm loving it so far. I'll write a review once I'm done! And it won't take as long as The Host did. I've got plenty of free time and I can't stop reading it!!
Happy summer, darlings!
Posted by Alanna at 2:15 PM 2 comments
Review: The Host(Finally!)
I know I've been working on this book for about half a year(literally!) and I thank you all for waiting patiently for me to write a review.
I finally had some time when I was bored with nothing to do(I was sick over the weekend) so I sat down for a few hours and finally finished the book.
Twas ah-mazing.
I majorly suck at giving summaries, so I'm going to use the one from the book jacket.
Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away.
Our world has been invaded by an unseen enemy. Humans become hosts for these invaders, their minds taken over while their bodies remain intact and continue their lives apparently unchanged. Most of humanity was succumbed.
When Melanie, one of the few remaining "wild" humans, is captured, she is certain it is her end. Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has been given Melanie's body, was warned about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions, the glut of senses, the too0-vivid memories. But there was one difficulty Wanderer didn't expect: the former tenant of her body refusing to relinquish possession of her mind.
Wanderer probes Melanie's thoughts, hoping to discover the whereabouts of the remaining human resistance. Instead, Melanie fills Wanderer's mind with visions of the man Melanie Loves-Jared, a human who still lives in hiding. Unable to seperate herself from her body's desires, Wanderer begins to yearn for a man she has been tasked with exposing. When outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, they set off on a dangerous and uncertain search for the man they both love.
This book is written by the author of Twilight, Stephenie Meyer. Just like in Twilight, Stephenie displays her amazing talent for forming bonds between the characters and the readers. I'm not sure how she does it, but she makes you feel like you know these people in real life. You become attached to them. You feel what they feel, you understand what they're going through, it's almost like you become one with the main character. It makes the whole book seem more real.
When I first started reading, I wasn't really crazy about it. But I knew Stephenie would never write something I didn't like, so I kept on going. For a good stretch of the beginning, there are non-stop twists and turns, keeping you hooked. Towards the middle is when it starts slowing down. It gets a little bit boring, but you have to stick it out because it picks up the pace again and then keeps going until the end.
This is definitely one of my new favorite books. I'd recommend it to anyone.
A tip: don't do what I did and read it off-and-on. Just read the whole thing in one big stretch. Read it at a steady pace, even if you begin to lose interest. It's worth getting through the slow parts and I'm sure if I had done that, I would've loved it even more.
Anyway, hope I've been convincing enough for you guys to go out right now to your nearest book store and by The Host!!!
Posted by Alanna at 1:38 PM 2 comments
Labels: awesome book, book review, the host
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Hey, everyone!
I've been really busy, but I've got some free time now and I thought I'd post again so you don't think I've fallen off the face of the earth :P
It's exam week. I had my first one today(yesterday was the last day of classes :( & :D ). I got out at 11:30, then Sarah and I hung out at the pool! I get out early tomorrow, Monday, and on Tuesday I get out at 10:30!!! YAY! Then it's summer time. Planning on going out to lunch(Panera!) and then shopping with my girls to celebrate Nikki's b-day!!
Hopefully the rain will stop sometime soon so I can go to the pool again...
I'm finally catching up on The Host(yeah, I'm STILL not finished-I put it down for a while) now that I have time after my exams. I'm also reading,"The Definitive Guide to Stuff White People Like-The Unique Taste of Millions"-it's basically what the title says. It's the funniest book I've ever read. It's based on the blog. I'll post a review once I'm finished.
I've become a little overly obsessed with origami lately. I learned how to make an inflatable bunny, a sailboat, a butterfly, and a heart. Here's one of my many bunnies! I'll post more pics of my other stuff once I take some.
So what's new in your life?
P.S. Just found this song-and it made me day:
Posted by Alanna at 3:16 PM 0 comments