I have a whole long list of books and movies to review, but I've been lazy and unmotivated. I figured I'd sit down for a couple minutes to tell you about "Peaches" by Jodi Lynn Anderson because I enjoyed it so much.
This is a story about three completely different people who are forced to work on a peach orchard, all for different reasons. The back of the novel reads."This summer at Darlington Orchard, three very different girls will discover the secret to finding the right boy, making the truest of friends, and picking the perfect Georgia peach. But at the start of the season, things aren't so...peachy."
This is one of those light reads that makes you feel happy and warm. It's a book about friendship that includes enough drama and comedy that it isn't that crappy, overly-serious, and borderline boring books about friends. It kept me interested-so interested, in fact, that it took me less than a month to finish it(I know, it's crazy). I'd definitely recommend it. It would be a great summer read. The feel of it reminds me of those cliche warm summer nights with a giant moon and fireflies in a garden in the country....ahhhh how nice.
The only thing I opposed to about this book was that once you got towards the end, it became sort of monotonous. It seemed like something I would write. However, it is worth reading anyway.
If anyone reads it, tell me! I want to know what you guys think!
P.S. Sorry I haven't been posting lately. Soy muy perezosa.
P.P.S. As I was searching for a picture of the cover, I discovered a sequel to this book! It's called "The Secrets of Peaches". Now I am excited! And wait! There's more! There's a third one! It's called "Love and Peaches".
At least, I think that's the order it goes in....I hope I didn't read the sequel...or the third...hmmm...
11 years ago