Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stupidity Is A Disease: Heidi Montag Is A Victim

Sometimes I see something that irks me so badly that I need more than anything to just rant. So you've been warned-I might go a little crazy on this one because I've been bottling this crap up because the people around me have no choice as to whether or not they hear me. You do. Anyway, proceed at your own risk.

As you probably know, Heidi Montag got buttloads of plastic surgery in November and has finally emerged, with a new, android-looking face. She had ten procedures done in one day. It wasn't that bad until she started talking about it. That's when the stupid came out. Check out this interview she did with Good Morning America:

There are a few things I want to hit on that pertain to this interview.

  1. "It wasn't like I had 10 surgeries, or something. It wasn't a lot,"she says. The reporter, who I love for interrogating Heidi and making her look more idiotic then we thought she was before, says,"But you did have 10 surgeries..." Oh, it made me laugh.
  2. DDD isn't big enough. Um...what.the.fuck. Does she want to be toppling over?
  3. My favorite part was when the reporter asked her to sing something. I know, we all knew that she had no talent and couldn't sing in the first place, but this just...I don't even know what to say. It was like the curtain fell and she was exposed. Embarassing for her-hilarious for everyone else. You know what else is funny? Her CD sold less than 1,000 copies. That could be a new record for someone as famous as she is.
Okay, I realize now that this whole rant was really annoying, but kudos to you for reading it.
Hopefully you learned something: Heidi Montag is an android and that you must protect yourself from stupidity.

P.S. Sorry this was a crappy post.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Lack of Inspiration

I apologize for being gone for so long! I don't know if I can really use the whole, "I've been busy" excuse, seeing as I spend most of my free time(which I have buttloads of) doing puzzles(because, I'm apparently half old lady, half small child). I guess it's just the lack of any reason to write on this blog. Everytime I see a comment from someone new, it inspires me to write more and drives me to actually post something. But I haven't gotten any comments from anyone other than my friends lately and I kind of forgot about the blog for a little while. Anyway, I will try to post more often(as I've said a million times before) but I make no promises.
If you have any suggestions as to what you would want to see(I'm craving your opinions!) on this blog, I'd be happy to oblige(well, to an extent). Leave a comment. Make my day!!!