Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Kooks-Crazy

This is a cover of the awesome Gnarls Barkley song-Crazy-by the British band, The Kooks. Enjoy.

The Kooks-She Moves In Her Own Way

I've always loved The Kooks, but I have more so lately.
This song's great.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Favorite Gladiator

Yes, I'm a dork. I watch American Gladiators every Monday. I just want to introduce my favorite gladiator-Hurricane. He's pretty hot, if I do say so myself. His real name is Breaux Greer-and trust me, he looks so much better with his natural hair color and no pink dye. Just saying.
Anyway, check out this hottie and watch American Gladiators!
More pics here, if you're interested:

Foo Fighters-The Pretender

This is one of my latest song obsession. It just gets me pumped. Have fun.

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince Trailer

The trailer for the 6th Harry Potter movie has been released. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Review: The Manny Files by Christian Burch

I finished this book yesterday and loved it! It's a charming story told from a 9-year old boy,Keats', point of view about a male nanny-a "manny"-who is hired to watch over him and his three sisters. His older sister, Lulu starts a list of all the things she hates about the manny, called The Manny Files, in order to get him fired. Lulu is embarassed by the manny, but the rest of the family loves him.
This is a must read. It doesn't have much plot, but it's so adorable and charming. I finished it in two days-which is fast for me.

I'm Back!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I was at the beach for the past week. It sucks that I had to leave. I miss it. But it's kinda nice to be home with my friends.
Anything happen while I was gone?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

My Guitar

Since Synfan posted a pic of her guitar, I thought I'd post a pic of mine. It's a Fender 12-string that I love. It's an awesome guitar and I got it on Craigslist for $100. But then I got this guy to set it up for like,$50, and it sounded a billion times better. Anyway, here it is.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Dude, I am awesome. I posted that I thought The Dark Knight would break box office records and guess what? It did! Check this out:

Dang, I'm good.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Farby The Best Twiligth Vid So Far

Besides the trailers, this is the best Twilight video ever. The song is a personal favorite of mine-Stay With Me by Danity Kane. It has so much emotion and matches the story perfectly. This video is amazingly choreographed(is that the word I'm looking for?) Anyway, I know you all are sick of these Twilight videos, but if you're going to watch one, let this be the one. It's almost bringing me to tears right now(though that's probably because I'm tired)

P.S.Yes, the tears are definitely flowing.


No, not the movie. The song. By Rihanna. I LOVE this song! I know it's going to become popular soon, though, and then it'll be overplayed and I won't like it anymore. But I thougth I'd post it because I love it so much right now.
The lyrics are very different from the cookie-cutter pop I'm used to hearing from Rihanna. And many other artists, for that matter. Anyway, check it out:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Prediction...

I think The Dark Knight could break box office records. Some record. I don't know...we'll see.

Absolute Best Cover of a M.J. Song EVER!

This is David Cook's amazing cover of Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. This is a MUST WATCH!(well, you don't have to watch it, just listen to it) You won't regret it!


Mia Rose-Just Us

This girl is great! Why hasn't she been signed yet?
Incredible voice. Great original song. Watch it.
Why can't she take over Miley Cyrus' career?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Funny Shirts

You must check these out. They're all hilarious!

Another Guilty Pleasure

I forgot about this one. This should've been on my list:
I love the song "Tell Me" by Diddy feat. Christian Aguilera.

It's a totally guilty pleasure, but it makes me pumped.

Yet ANOTHER Twilight Video

This one's for the other Cullen Couples.
Featuring my 2nd favorite song of all time-"Look After You" by The Fray!!!

I would love to be that girl that plays Rosalie. Not only is she gorgeous, she gets the guy that plays Emmett! He's soooooooooooooooooooo HOT!

Best Band Names Ever

As a reply to Jeb's list of the Worst Band Names(, I'm putting up my list of Best Band Names. I didn't agree with most of Jeb's, so you'll see a few on here that are on his list too.
I'll add more if I can think of any

Best Band Names:

Finger Eleven
The Cure
Smashing Pumpkins
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Avenged Sevenfold
The Ting Tings
Panic! at the Disco
Boyce Avenue
The Fray
Plain White T's
Theory Of A Deadman
3 Doors Down
No Doubt
Maroon 5
The Last Goodnight
Matchbox 20
Gnarls Barkley
All-American Rejects
Counting Crows

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Alice by Nomoremarbles

Some awesome person on the internet composed this super cool song and it was inspired by Alice Cullen. This is the song featured in the second Twilight vid I posted earlier. Here's the video she posted if you want to hear it wihtout watching the Twiligth stuff.

Golden Skans by The Klaxons

I've been bored and surfing youtube and I found this awesome song!!! It makes me want to dance(even though everyone knows I can't dance to save my life) You MUST hear this.

Another Twilight Video

This one's mostly pics from the set of Twilight. This song is so cool! It's all instrumental and it's awesome!

Great Twilight Vid

I love the warning at the beginning of the video. The song's also really good. Check it out:

Awesome Song!

I just heard this on the radio a few minutes ago and had to post it. This song is awesome!
It's called "Cry For You" by September.

What if?

I'm bored and I thought I'd throw this idea out there and see what everyone thinks.

What if Edward and Bella(from Twilight-duh)had a child? Is it even possible? I was thinking this would make a great fan fic, if it hasn't been done already. The life of the child of Bella and Edward.

Anyway, leave a comment and give me your thoughts on the subject-I'd love to hear them!

UPDATE: Apparently, someone asked that question to Stephenie Meyer already and she said it wasn't possible. I'm not going into details as to why, but you can look it up if you want.

UPDATE #2: I'm changing my question. What if Bella was pregnant with Jacob's baby? I saw no where that she couldn't have his child.


So anyway, my "prediction", if you can call it that, actually came true! That's probably why I freaked out way more than anyone else did when I found out Bella was pregnant.
I feel so proud of myself.

Great Cover by Boyce Avenue

This man's amazing. I wish I could marry him...
Here's a beautiful cover of "Same Mistake" by James Blunt done by Alejandro Manzano of Boyce Avenue. Even though I don't really like James Blunt(his voice annoys me), this song is beautiful. I especially love the line,"and maybe someday we will meet and maybe talk, and not just speak"
This cover is available on itunes!

Saturday, July 12, 2008


As some of you may know, I have very strong opinions about genres of music. So I'm going to write up a bit about each of my favorite and least favorite genres. This doesn't mean I love or hate all of the genre, just the most of it.

Classic Rock-Real rock is becoming extinct! We must listen to the classics and hope we can save rock before it dies out.

Alternative Rock-You can't beat it! It gives you a taste of rock and pop.

Pop-I'm not talking boy band stuff(although I do love the Backstreet Boys). I'm talking Natasha Bedingfield, 80's pop,Jason Mraz, etc.

World-I love foreign music!

Reggae-So awesome! Makes me so happy...


Rap-NOT MUSIC! Just some guys with million-dollar chains around their necks talking about drugs.

Country-I hate all of it but Carrie Underwood, Rascal Flatts, and Nickel Creek(though i still don't think they are country in any way, shape, or form-they should have their own genre)I can't stand Taylor Swift, if I haven't said that already.

Metal-hate all but Avenged Sevenfold. But those guys have so many different genres incorportated into their music. And they're talented, unlike most of the metal out there. Lots(correction-90%) of it is just guys yelling or screaming about something like dying, bleeding, pain, and misery.

Goth-How can anyone like it?

Ok. That's it, I think. I'll post more if I can think of any more.
Sorry if I offended you.
Don't get too crazy in the comments.

P.S.The picture above basically explains itself, but I just wanted to say that I did not make this up.Oh, and click on it so you'll be able to read it.

Friday, July 11, 2008

One of the Greatest Solos in the History Of the World

Kick back and enjoy this awesome guitar solo played by the wonderful Synyster Gates in Germany. This definitely kicks the butts of most of the guitar solos out there.
Love it. Crave it. Gawk.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Some Really Beautiful, Great Music

This guy's pretty awesome. This is what real music's made of!! Not guys screaming about dying and bleeding!


Ok, I've had a song by this guy called Beautiful Disaster for my ipod for ages and I love it. I'd never known exactly what the guy looks like though because the album cover is small on my ipod screen and I'd just never bothered to look him up. But a few minutes ago, I was on youtube(sounds like I live there,huh?)and I found this video for a song called Beating My Heart by Jon. The song's pretty good, but what amazed me is how hot this man is! I had no idea! Anyway, I got excited(cuz hotties make me do that) and thought I'd share my excitement with y'all(wow, I sound weird).
The pictures above are of him, the link below is for Beautiful Disaster(which is a far better song than Beating My Heart), and last, but not least, is the video for Beating My Heart where he looks a great deal hotter than the video for Beautiful Disaster.
If you just read this whole post, you're patient. Thank you for being so patient. Now, you may sit back and enjoy yourself!

P.S. He is officially one of my latest obsessions(right next to Robert Buckley, of course! They're both so yummy...)
"Beautiful Disaster":

"Beating My Heart"

Update: Beating My Heart has grown on me. Maybe it's the video. Dang, he's hot.

Synyster Gates Shrines!

Because I love Syn Gates so much and so does Synfan(duh! hence the username!)I made us each pocket shrines dedicated to him. They're just simple matchbox shrines, easy and fun to make.
Here's the link to the pics of Synfan's:

Mine is the one pictured above.

Dusty Tomatoes' Most Recent Parody

Since we love hating Miley Cryrus, Dezzy and I wrote this today at her house(well, i kinda wrote all but one line). It's about as juvenile as it comes, but that's just what I love!

"Fart All Over" parody of "Start All Over" by Miley Cyrus

I have to wonder if this smell's too bad to hide
Smell it or not smell it in such a crazy tide
It was sooner than I thought before it slipped out
My butt's lost control and there's not doubt
I'm going to fart all over

Into the bathroom and out of the bathroom again
I flush and start to forget
And then I fart all over
Here it comes straight out of my butt or worse
Another chance to get burned if I fart all over

Fantastic and romantic it's just a big surprise
You get no warning hesitation's pushed aside
It was sooner than I thought when wind caught my fart
Too bad I'm ready now to fart all over


It's so easy
Beans disrupt me
People complain

It's so easy
Beans disrupt me
People complain

It's so easy
Beans disrupt me
People It's so easy
I'm gonna fart all over


My First Somewhat-Decent Song

It seems my inspiration for writing a song came from having no inspiration to write a song-who would've guessed it?
This is a song for everyone I love(though I had mostly my best friends in mind when I wrote it.

"I Want To Write A Song"

I want to write a song for you
but i don't know what to say
i want something that will speak the truth
in a sentimental way
'cause absolutely nothing's worse
than not saying how you feel
and worry 'bout all the things that are not real

I want to write a song for you
to show how much I care
that no matter what i do
you will always be there
and no one can tear us apart
oh, I'd like to see them try
because you'll remain in my heart
and dry the tears that I cry

I dont' need a top ten hit
I just want to speak my mind
so I guess I'll just get on with it
and give it a try
these are the final words
but I'm not saying goodbye
as I sit here and watch the birds
watch how they fly

and I might fly away some day
to somewhere far away
and then I'll write a song for you
because I know what to say

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Nerdiest Things About Me

There are many nerdy things about me. Thought I'd share a few.
1.I'm a die hard fan of Harry Potter. I'm obsessed
2.I've suddenly become addicted to the game bookworm. I also love text twist. And Sudoku.
3.I used to love HTML. I ditched it though.
4.I also used to love Neopets. What the heck was wrong with me?
5.I love Weird Al.

I Don't Know What To Call This Post

Have you heard of tagging on youtube? It's where you tag 5 people, they give 5 facts about themselves and tag 5 other people. I was thinking we could start a blogspot tagging game(if it hasn't been started already-i don't know) Here are 5 random facts about me:
1.I can pull my thumbs all the way back behind my hands(is that weird?)
2.My dream is to have some role in the music business. Whether it's being a musician(which is my first choice), music producer, or even a manager, I want to be part of music.
3.I am a crazed U2 fan. Bono is my idol.
4.I hate country music. And rap. And heavy metal.
5.Last thing I ate? A cinabon toaster strudel. Yum.

Those were boring facts. Sorry if I put you to sleep.
Since I don't really know many people on blogspot, I'm going to tag the only two people who I know read this: Jeb and Synfan!
Hopefully I can meet some more people on this website. Feel free to comment. I'd love to read more blogs!

Avenged Sevenfold Collage

I made this collage for Synfan a while ago and I decided I'd post it. Enjoy!
(click on the pic to see the full size version)

Gotta Love Chris Martin!

It's like he read my post about weird names and is snapping back:

FYI, I wasn't insulting those names. I think their weird, but I guess it's good to have a unique name. My name's weird.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Weird Celebrity Baby Names

Ok, what is it with all these weird names in Hollywood? Why can't new parents name their children something normal? Check out a few of the weird names:
*Apple Martin
*Sunday Rose Kidman-Urban
*Everly Bear Kiedis(it's cute, but what about when he's older?)
*Moses Martin
*Honor Marie Warren
*Duncan Zowie Heywood Jones
*Ryder Russell

Now, they aren't all weird. Some of them I actually like:
*Harlow Madden
*Max and Emme Anthony
*Shiloh Jolie-Pitt
*Suri Cruise

Vote: Which is the weirdest?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Poor Roger

Poor Roger Federer lost to Rafael Nadal at Wimbledon, ending his 5-year winning streak. They set the record for longest final in Wimbledon history, lasting 4 hrs and 48 mins. I watched about 2 hours of it and it was AWESOME! Those guys are insanely talented. And humble.
(picture courtesy of

Free, premade Blogger layouts!

Bored of the boring layouts? I found this website which has TONS of different codes for cool layouts. Just use the drop-down menu by the search bar to look up blogger layouts. Enjoy!

Pics By Moi

Here are just some random pics I took and felt like sharing with the world! Enjoy!

Friday, July 4, 2008

My Favorite People on Youtube!

Wow. I've posted like,6 times today.
Anyway, before I get off topic, I'm going to make a list of my favorite youtubers. Since I spend a lot of time listening to covers of songs on youtube, this list will probably expand quite a lot.
For now, here are my faves(in no particular order):
1.David Choi
2.Lisa Lavie
3.BOYCE AVENUE(of course!!!!)


This is farby one of the best voices I've ever heard and this kid's gotta be like,9 or 10. This brought tears to my eyes-it was so beautiful.

Update:I looked him up and he was young in that video. Now he's 16-still young, but not as little has was before.

Great cover of Clocks by Coldplay

This is one of the most amazing songs and this guy's piano cover of it is almost as great the original song, even though he doesn't sing it.
He also does a mean cover of In The End by Linkin Park(great song, great band)-if you wait till the end of the video, the link should appear at the bottom.
Check it out:

Another Guilty Pleasure

I forgot one. "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban. I can't stand Josh Groban, but the song is amazing when he does it. It gives me chills.
Here's a video of the twins I posted about in the last post covering the song. The verses are a little rough, but the chorus is great.


I was just looking around youtube and I found these twin guys that are extremely talented. Their voices are...incredible-especially together.
It amazes me how many crazy talented people there are out there and so many of them are unsigned. I'm starting to think I'm never going to make it...
So check out these guys-their really good-and tell me what you think.
Their youtube account:

P.S.I forgot to mention that they're really hot too!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Honestly, who cares?

I'm sure all of you have heard about the whole Guy Ritchie and Madonna thing. Apparently, they were going to seperate and now there's this whole thing about whether or not Madonna's dating A-Rod or not. There's a whole love square between A-Rod and his now ex-wife, Lenny Kravitz, and Madonna. Guy Ritchie's the only one who hasn't been accused of an affair yet...
But seriously, why do they act like this is breaking news? I mean, that's all the tabloids talk about! Really, who gives a crap about their love life? Madonna's a has-been, we all feel bad for Guy Ritchie because he's stuck with her-end of story.
I'm begging the press to just drop it. Talk about something better-like Robert Buckley eating lunch or Syn Gates drinking or something along those lines of hot guys living. I don't care.

Strawberry Swing by Coldplay

This is possibly my favorite song off of Viva La Vida. It sounds kind of Irish. I lvoe it. I've started playing it on the guitar. Here's the link for the chords if you want it:
There are a few variations of it. I've found that the C G D version of it is closer to the actual song,but the others sound just as good. Here's the song:


OMG, this guy is the freakin yummiest thing to ever walk this earth. Move over Syn-someone new has taken my love!
FYI, he's the guy from Lipstick Jungle(which I DO NOT watch-so over dramatic)
Anyway, if you don't think this guy is BEYOND GORGEOUS you are IN-SANE!
More pics here:

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wait For Me

I had to post this the minute I heard it. This song's called "Wait For You" by Theory of a Deadman(love that band). This may possibly be the most beautiful song I've ever heard. Someone in the comments on youtube said their husband in Iraq told them to listen to it. Isn't that sweet? OMG, I love this song. Please,please,please do yourself a favor and listen to this song.

List of Guilty Pleasures

Call me a dork, but here's my list of gulity pleasures.
1.World's Strongest Man Competition
2. Jesse MCartney
3.Aly & Aj
4.Jonas Brothers
5.Heavy metal(only some)
6.Brick & Lace
7."My Happy Ending" Avril Lavigne
8.Backstreet Boys
9.Celebrity gossip
10.America's Got Talent
11. Derrick Barry as Britney Spears
12. Boy Shakira(from America's Got Talent)
13.Drag Queens
14.Chris Crocker
15.I think Chris Martin(Coldplay) is so adorable
16.Redneck Jokes
17.Laughing at Amish people
18.Making speech bubbles for people's pictures
19.Drawing on pictures
20.Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show
21.Video:Orangatan peeing in his own mouth
22.Video:Sneezing Panda!!!(so cute!)
23.Junk food! i mean seriously, this is everyone's guilty pleasure!
24.Sexiest Man Alive issues of People magazine...
25.Text Twist
28.Idiot tests
29. Hannah Montana/Suite Life/Wizards of.../That's So Raven/Cory in the House
30."Rock Star" by Nickelback
31.Britney Spears(her music, not her)
32.Blonde Jokes
33.The Rev
34.Taking way too many pics/videos
35.Strange nail polish colors