Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I Don't Know What To Call This Post

Have you heard of tagging on youtube? It's where you tag 5 people, they give 5 facts about themselves and tag 5 other people. I was thinking we could start a blogspot tagging game(if it hasn't been started already-i don't know) Here are 5 random facts about me:
1.I can pull my thumbs all the way back behind my hands(is that weird?)
2.My dream is to have some role in the music business. Whether it's being a musician(which is my first choice), music producer, or even a manager, I want to be part of music.
3.I am a crazed U2 fan. Bono is my idol.
4.I hate country music. And rap. And heavy metal.
5.Last thing I ate? A cinabon toaster strudel. Yum.

Those were boring facts. Sorry if I put you to sleep.
Since I don't really know many people on blogspot, I'm going to tag the only two people who I know read this: Jeb and Synfan!
Hopefully I can meet some more people on this website. Feel free to comment. I'd love to read more blogs!


Jeb said...
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Jeb said...

Nice! Here are mine :
1. Am a big fan of video games, mostly shooter ones
2. I'm addicted to guitar and Heavy Metal
3. I'm addicted to Blogger
4. Am a comic book buff
5. I love lasagna, and I have just recently ate an apple.

Alanna said...

Cool. Lasagna's awesome.
I'm also addicted to blogger. I don't know why it's so fun.

Jeb said...

It's kind of boring at the beginning, but once you check out other people's blogs ( Synfan, You, Mr. Mike, Evil and Paula Brantner. )and get comments it's so addicting cause you don't know when a conversation will continue on a post or when you'll get a comment!

Alanna said...

True. Before you came, Synfan was the only one that read my blog, so I didn't post much. But once you see other people are commenting besides your best friend, it's more motivating(i didnt' mean that as an insult to synfan)

xx_SynfanA7X_xx said...

sure, LoveMobile.

heres mine:
1. i love Super Smash Brothers BRAWL and Halo 1, 2, &3, and of course Knights Of The Old Republic
2. im addicted to heavy metal, my wonderful acoustic guitar, and the Internet
3. im a gimungo Narnia, Star Wars, and X Files nerd
4. Batman is the coolest superhero ever!
5. the last thing i ate was nachos and salsa at Danni L.'s house...still drooling over the quarter pounder i ate earlier

xx_SynfanA7X_xx said...


sorry, tht was kinda random

Jeb said...

I forgot to mention that I love Star Wars and I'm addicted to drums also ( used to have a set! ).

xx_SynfanA7X_xx said...

Star Wars is so cool!! i wouldnt mind learning the drums but i think i should nail down the guitar first. i finally got a strap for it and i find it easier to play guitar standing up. but thts just me

Alanna said...

I'm sorry, but I thought it looked retarded.

I'd love to learn the drums. But I want to learn the bass first.

I play more sitting down, but the strap's nice when you're trying to make an entrance playing the guitar.

xx_SynfanA7X_xx said...

i like to play standing up