Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Dusty Tomatoes on FictionPress.com

Hello, everyone! As I said a few posts back, The Dusty Tomatoes(including me) are writing a play(more like a movie, actually). We're pretty proud of it so far. It's called Grin and Bear It and so far we've posted Act 1:Scene 1 & 2. We have lots more written and will post the rest as soon as we can revise it and make sure it is ready to be exposed to the world. Until then, you can read the first part here: http://www.fictionpress.com/~thedustytomatoes
If you scroll to the bottom, you'll see the link to the play. The top part is just our profile. Feel free to read it!
Feedback would be awesome. You can review the story on Fictionpress if you would like, or you can post your opinion in the comments.


Jeb said...

Pretty good!

Alanna said...

Thanks so much! I will pass that one to the others.

Jeb said...

Alex The Emo Kid! LOL!