Sorry I haven't been posting much lately, I've been SWAMPED with work. Getting ready for Christmas break! Only one more day to go!!!
Still so many Christmas presents to buy/make-I'm definitely feeling the stress. Christmas is in, what, 7 days? I still have two presents to make, and 4 more to buy! UGH. December is going by so fast.
So yesterday, Cody happened to hear me talking to Francois about my blog, and he was like,"Why would you have a blog?" So I started defending myself and then Nikki starts ranting for me(thank you, Nikki). He just couldn't understand why I had a blog-really, he is a weirdo. Why not have a blog? I need some of my fellow bloggers to help me out here. Why do we blog? And why on earth is it so freaking fun?
So much to do right now that I probably shouldn't be blogging, but I feel like I'm boring you guys. And I'm in a desperate need to rant. I have so much studying to do and I have to do this big project-the funny thing is, we got it like, 2-3 months ago, it's due Friday, and I just started it 2 days ago. Nikki has the same procrastinating issue. We both work better under pressure, which can come in handy sometimes.
My new love for Kanye West is blossoming more and more with every song of his I hear. His newest CD, 808's and Heartbreak is AMAZING! "Love Lockdown" won me over first, then "Heartbreak", and now "Robocop". It's incredible, because I HATE rap, but Kanye West has something all the other rappers don't-actual TALENT! Crazy, huh? If you get a chance, check out some of his new stuff. It's awesome.
My life's been pretty boring lately, but I guess I like it that way.
I've been told to avoid the local news, because it'll just make me hate the world even more than I already do.
Oh, right, and there was a bomb threat! Let's just hope I don't die tomorrow! Wish me luck!
Thanks for reading!
11 years ago
No problem, bestie~
And, yes. I don't blog (I really should talk to Dad about that) but once you come up with some great reasons, tell me so I can convince him, okaythankyou.
My thoughts? We (er, you) blog for:
Fun, To Rant, To Let Off Steam, To Talk About Everything We Can't Talk About In Real Life, To Express Our Individuality... Um. Dunno what else, and this is getting way too long, so bye!
when ur terribly bored, to let ppl know of what u think of whts going on
its a way to be heard
I wasn't too sure where to leave this comment haha.
I stumbled across your blog while looking for Twilight pictures :)
and so far I've seriously enjoyed looking through your posts, both the random, and the twilight related ones !
I have no idea how you do it, I'd never be able to write a blog :/
But yeahh, keep up the good work !
and remember that there must be loads of people, like me, who find it fascinating to browse amongst what you write :)
Aw! Thank you! That was so sweet of you to say! Glad I can make people happy! It's amazing readers like you that keep me going!
Thanks again!
OMG YES. Love Lockdown is amazing--it's already on my mp3 player.
The guy is so incredibly cool. Except for when he gets angry. Then he's just mad.
And I agree with Laura. I don't remember if I was the one who stumbled across your blog or you mine but blogs are an amazing way for people to connect and just share interests.
I'm really glad I met you and Synfan. It;s been great chatting spontaneously with you. Happy New Years to you both!
Blogs are such a great way to find people just luke you.
Shela, you would totally fit in with my friends. And of course, Synfan and I are already like sisters. I wish I could meet all of my blog friends.
Happy New Year! Got any plans!
He's so cool. Very fashionable, too. I think it was him that started those sunglasses with the lines across them. They are completely impractical, but they look cool.
this probably sounds weird, but i seriously want Kanye's overcoat...the one he wore while performing Stronger at the Grammys. i can't stand rap or hip-hop, but Kanye's style is cool
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