Saturday, December 19, 2009

100 Random Facts

I got tagged by XANABIOTICX, so I'm going to post 100 random facts about me. Brace yourself, this is bound to be a long one.

  1. I have an unhealthy obession with Chuck Norris
  2. I have straight A's right now
  3. I have never seen Star Wars
  4. I went to 3 concerts this year
  5. I'm a master at origami
  6. I'm basically an internet phenomenon
  7. I love food with faces
  8. I like things that are comically large/small
  9. I play the guitar and the piano
  10. I am a chocoholic
  11. I love photography
  12. I want to live in NYC
  13. Because I like lights
  14. My favorite color is purple
  15. Second favorite is green
  16. Third is rainbow
  17. I have never broken a bone
  18. Lady Gaga scares me, but I love her
  19. I'm short and I am frequently told that
  20. I'm a facebook addict
  21. I love old cars
  22. I'm Team Bella
  23. My mousepad has a Geico caveman on it
  24. I want to be an interior designer
  25. Or and SNL regular
  26. I have several alter egos, or "characters"
  27. One is a New Jersey therapist
  28. My best friend and I met in 1st grade and we're still BFFs
  29. Music is my life
  30. I'm not ashamed of liking Twilight
  31. Harry Potter was better
  32. Napoleon Dynamite is one of my favorite movies
  33. Edward Scissorhands is another
  34. I love writing parodies of songs
  35. I wear the same peace sign ring every day and it's very rare that I leave the house without it
  36. I love color. Lots of it
  37. I think Taylor Lautner's chest deserves an Oscar
  38. But face-wise I prefer RPattz
  39. I'm having trouble coming up with more facts
  40. I loved "The Host"
  41. And I tend to prefer shallow books about romance
  42. I hate almost all movies except comedy
  43. I don't like thinks that make you sad
  44. I loved Christian Bale's rant
  45. I love musicals
  46. The white tiger is my favorite animal. Wombat is probably second
  47. I like to draw
  48. I love Post-it notes
  49. I don't know why
  50. I like REALLY hot showers
  51. I like vintage stuff
  52. My hair is like, 4 different colors right now because I went through a dyeing mode this year
  53. My friends are the weirdest people ever born
  54. I'm an atheist
  55. I still celebrate christmas because I love it
  56. I spent the majority of today listening to the Twilight audiobook on youtube, so my mind is kind of in that mode
  57. My favorite game is Scattegories
  58. I love racket sports and hate all others-except volleyball and swimming
  59. I am not athletically skilled
  60. I think palm trees make everything look better
  61. I used to add eyeliner to every picture
  62. I started this blog because I was bored
  63. I only had 2 readers at first
  64. I want a 'dislike' button(who doesn't?)
  65. I worship Bono like he's God
  66. U2 is my most favoritest thing in the world
  67. I'm dying to go to another one of their concerts
  68. I love going to concerts
  69. I get an adrenaline rush from them
  70. I like to dance like no one's watching
  71. I don't really care what people think of me, so I have more fun
  72. I like oddly shaped erasers
  73. I'm going to see The Princess and the Frog on Tuesday
  74. Jack Sparrow's my hero
  75. So is Johnny Depp
  76. I love love love Tim Burton
  77. I'm dying to see the new Alice in Wonderland in 3-D
  78. I also want to see Avatar
  79. I want to travel the world
  80. My ipod is my sidekick and I can't function without it
  81. I don't text
  82. I use my phone maybe once a month
  83. I love food
  84. I think everyone looks 10X sexier with aviator sunglasses
  85. Mine broke :(
  86. I have a somewhat photographic memory
  87. In my dreamworld, I'm a pilot and I'm married to Tom Cruise(before he got crazy, old, and ugly)
  88. I think if every guy in the world was like Hugh Jackman, we wouldn't need laws.
  89. My birthday is in March
  90. I'm running out of facts
  91. My favorite TV show is Wings
  92. I also love Flight of the Conchords
  93. If I threaten to slap you, there's a 90% chance I will
  94. I love staring at the sky
  95. I find clouds beautiful and I don't like completely clear skies
  96. I'm obsessed with the 80's
  97. I prefer animals to humans
  98. I talk to my dog
  99. I'm a ninja
  100. I'm done with this list
If you endured reading that whole thing, I love you.
I don't have that many blog friends, so I'm just going to tag Shela.



hey! we have quite a lot in common! i was born on 28th of march 1988. things like our phone, johhny depp, concerts, star wars, dynamite, edward, etc. it's been fun reading your facts. thank you for your time and patience completing the tag. :)

Alanna said...

We do!
Thanks for tagging me-it was kind of fun!

Nikki said...

Love you too. And yes, we've been besties a while now, haven't we? xD

Bella_182 said...

wow, I admire you.
I could never come up with 100 facts about myself bc my mind starts to trail off lol

Danielle said...

I whole-heartedly agree with #'s 37,53, and 70 : D