I'm not sure if I like this center alignment, but I'm going to try it. Just for funsies ;)
So I wanted to take some time to discuss my love for quirky things and acknowledge the fact that the nerdy look is now "in" It makes me happy to see people proudly wearing nerdy glasses. In fact, I think I'm going to get a pair of my own ($2.90 + S&H Amazon)
So where did this new wave of quirkiness come from? Let's dig a little bit deeper to find out.
So where did this new wave of quirkiness come from? Let's dig a little bit deeper to find out.
Juno(2007)-I didn't actually watch this movie because I find it a little bit too quirky. Between the strange and incredibly horrid indie music, ugly outfits in 70's colors, and a hamburger phone, that movie is just about as quirky as the world can stand. I got a funny message from my friend, Twitch(how quirky is that name?), that kind of made my day. "If Juno Was 10 Times Shorter and 100 Times More Honest" is a screenplay who's title is pretty self-explanatory. It's pretty darn funny, so check it out: If Juno Was 10 Times Shorter and 100 Times More Honest
- Scene kids-We've all seen them. Their choppy hairstyles, the giant bows on their heads, the way they turn their feet towards each other when they stand(which is just plain weird). Although I think they look just plain weird, I find their quirkiness somewhat charming, if only it were in moderation.
iCarly, Flight of the Conchords, and Other Shows With Uber-Quirk-iCarly and Flight of the Conchords are two shows that I absolutely adore(and no, I am not ashamed to say I enjoy iCarly). It's about as quirky as it can get without being annoying. Between the weird t-shirts and "Random Dancing" in iCarly and the strange and hilarious folk songs of the Flight duo, these shows definitely contributed to the wave of weirdness.
So how much is too much? We've all seen those people who pride themselves in being insanely weird. We know how annoying it can get. The status' that say,"Making dinosaurs out of Play-doh. My life is so cool," "Rainbows are the shiznit," or something along those lines. I know, it's tempting to make everything you do sound like that, but sometimes we need to step back and assess the sitatuion. Ask yourself,"Am I being annoyingly quirky?"
I just realized after writing this whole thing that it's kind of pointless and annoying. I think if it were an SNL skit it would've been much funnier. I apologize for wasting your time once again.
So what do you guys think about this abundance of quirkiness? How much is too much? Post your replies in the comments and thanks for reading!
I just realized after writing this whole thing that it's kind of pointless and annoying. I think if it were an SNL skit it would've been much funnier. I apologize for wasting your time once again.
So what do you guys think about this abundance of quirkiness? How much is too much? Post your replies in the comments and thanks for reading!
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