Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Colds,the Princess Diaries 2, Pride & Prejudice, Piper, and Common Sense

Hello, everyone!
Unfortunately, I have a cold. It was pretty much unavoidable(almost everyone I know has been getting sick in the past 2 weeks!) Not a bad cold, but enough to keep me home and on the couch watching T.V.
Speaking of which, I watched The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement for the hundredth time(and I still love it!) I've always loved the Princess Diaries(and Anne Hathaway!) The books are great, the movies are amazing, but they're so incredibly different. I recommend reading the books AND watching the movies. In the 2nd(and last) movie, Mia is to become the queen of Genovia, but she must get married beforehand. Chris Pine also stars in it. He's pretty yummy, especially in a suit, riding a horse, or sleeping under a tree. Basically every little thing he does is magic, every thing he does just turns me on, even though my life before was tragic, now I know my love for him goes on...
I've become recently more obsessed with romance. I just started reading Pride and Prejudice. I'm only on the 3rd chapter, but I like it so far. It's one of those classics that I'm still able to understand(c'mon, I've already got mild dyslexia, do those ancient authors have to mix up the words for me in the first place?) I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm planning to after I finish reading the book. Kiera Knightley's in it, so that's an automatic plus-she's one of my favorite actresses, her weird mouth movement and all.
I just got a new Pullip a couple days ago! She's superrrr cute! I named her Piper. She's the one in the picture at the top. And yes, I know I'm a complete dork(but i don't understand how people live any other way!)
So yesterday, Nikki and I got bored at lunch(Sarah was sick and didn't show up) and Nikki was wearing her Dangerous Boots. These things are super tall and make the already-clumsy Nikki similar to a hurricane(I mean, the desturction and turmoil, not the wind and rain) Nikki, though I love her to death, is not the smartest apple on the tree when it comes to common sense. And she knows it. So I decided to give her a little crash course in common sense. We came up with TONS of rules and I thougth I'd post some of the funny ones.

Alanna's Guide to Common Sense:
1. If someone asks you to hide a shovel in your basement, you should probably say no(unless it's your best friend-Nikki and I decided that we'd help each other hide the bodies if either of us killed someone-then she told me to please not kill anyone-yes, it was a very strange conversation)
2. Don't drive on the right side of the road in England. It won't turn out well.
3. If you see a gun lying on the ground, don't pick it up. Your DNA will rub off on it and you'll be accused of a terrible crime.
4. If someone offers you crack, just say no.(we concluded that even if they don't mean the drug, still say no. I can't think of any 'crack' that's good for you...)
5. Don't lean back in a chair if you are naturally clumsy. Nikki can explain the results if anyone can't imagine them.
6. If someone shocks themselves, don't touch them. You will also get shocked and there will be two people lying on the ground. Who wants to clean that up?
7. If there's a banana peel on the ground, walk around it(yes, someone actually put a banana peel on the ground yesterday and was frustrated that everyone was walking around it)

I'll post more once I remember the rest. There were like, 50 of them(we were really bored).

That's all for now! Hope you all have a great week! It's suprisingly going by pretty fast...


Anonymous said...

Ive been lookinf for Pullip Dolls online and I found some really cute ones at puliip but they were around 120& or so is that there normal price! and are they avabile in any stores

Shela said...

Hey there, darling.
I'm sorry for being so out of touch lately. Thanks for the comments.

I saw the Princess Diaries 2 again last weekend ;)
It's such a good movie, but I think I liked the first one a little more. I wish they'd make another sequel though.

I remember reading those books; they were great. But as years have gone by, I've fallen in love with other books that have better plots and well-developed characters. Like Twilight ;)

Glad your still keeping up with the blogs though. Looks like I've been slacking lately...

Alanna said...


Yes, another one would be great. I love Anne Hathaway.

I have a feeling I won't be posting much, if anything, this week. I've got a lot of work to do.

Danielle said...

This week IS going by much faster o_O I have no idea why, though. . . . .

I'm glad that you're better!! : D

Lmao, I must see this common sense list at some point, it sounds like a good idea for me too.