Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July, Fireworks, and Diets(Oh My!)


I meant to post on the 4th, but I was too lazy :P So Happy Belated 4th of July!
I went to see some fireworks in this big, open field nearby with the fam. Got some REALLY cool pics. The rest of them are on here:http://www.flickr.com/photos/dustytomatoes/

So the main thing going on right now in my boring life is my new diet. The annual beach trip is on the 23rd and I've been desperate to actually look good in a bathing suit(let alone anything else) for a long while. I decided to actually work for it. There's an app for iPhones and iTouches called "Lose It!". You enter in your weight loss goal, your height, age, etc. and it comes up with the number of calories you're allowed to eat in order to reach your goal! Unfortunately for all you that are iPhone/iTouch-less, it's only available for those devices. However, I'm sure you can find something similar online.
I've mixed that with Wii Fit and the results are kind of amazing. It's been 4 days and I've lost 3 pounds. I can already see the difference it's made! I had no idea it would be so simple-all I have to do is step on and off the wii board rhymically for 20 minutes, then twirl and imaginary hoola hoop(which makes you look like an idiot, but works wonders on your stomach) for 10 and I've already lost a pound! It helps if it's hot-I've probably lost a lot in sweat.
Anyway, wish me luck-I'm aiming towards 122 by the 23rd(but i might try to go for less than that if it continues to be this easy!)

Hope you all have a wonderful week!


Nikki said...

You don't need to diet, bestie. But congrats anyways~!
Which reminds me. Maybe I should start doing the WiiFit thing too... It would certianly be more productive than watching cartoons all day. ^^
Or Harvest Moon. Maybe I could start that addiction up again. (Haha, kidding! ...Mostly...)

So Catholic said...

The first few pounds are the easiest because they are more liquid like and easier to burn, don't get discouraged when the weight loss slows down a litte, thats when my mom always gives up.

I don't think you really need to diet either, but I can understand wanting to look a little better in a bathing suit...I am very ashamed of the manboobs and love handles...

I am losing weight this summer to, mainly because I got a job working for my parents cleaning service and I'm on my feet all day!


Alanna said...

Haha, thanks, Nikki, but that isn't very helpful :P
you could get some wicked abs, my friend. Although your parents would never allow anyone to see them, so it would be pointless....hold off on the abs until you're 18/over.

Wow, James, I honestly thought you'd tell me I need to lose weight after hearing all those stupid fat jokes!

I won't get discouraged. This is like my drug now.