Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Devil Wears Prada

So, I may be the last girl on earth to see it, but I finally watched The Devil Wears Prada. I read the book a little less than a year ago.
The movie was great, but of course, the book was better. But it's hard to fit all of the conflict from the book into the movie, or else it would be REALLY long.
I noticed that there were a few added things. For instance, I don't remember Emily ever being hit by a car and ending up in the hospital(but maybe she did and I just don't remember)
I highly suggest you read the book if you liked the movie. The characters are much more developed, Miranda's much more annoying(in a good way, though-if it's possible), and the conflict is better.
Really great book. Really great movie. Check out both, if you haven't already.