Monday, August 25, 2008


Just wondering, is anyone out there? I feel slightly lonely on this's like a ghost town. If you are reading this, leave a comment or something. Let me know I'm not the mayor of Snoozetown.
Any suggestions as to how this blog can be more exciting? Vote in the poll on the side. You don't have to sign in, leave a name, or anything. Just click and vote. Thanks.


Jeb said...

Sorry If I made you feel that way! I've been SO busy lately! I'll comment more often!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Your not the only one who feels alone, so I will leave you a comment :)

I also LOVE Twilight( and the following books!) I cant get enough of it! i was so sad to read the end of the book! I cant wait until Edwards book comes out!

well, Comment back if you want!


Alanna said...

That's ok! I understand. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't totally boring.

I can't wait till that book comes out! I wonder if they'll throw parties at book shops for it, like they did with Breaking Dawn. i would totally. go.