Sunday, August 17, 2008

Random Stuff

Ok, so I have a lot of links I'd like to post here. If you're bored or want something to read/do, then you've come to the right place.

My best friend Nikki is a very talented writer/author. I thought I'd post the links to all of the work she's done.
Here's her website(with poems, stories, etc.):

If you look to the left on her homepage, you'll see the links to the sites she's on(youtube, fanfiction, etc.) I highly suggest her original writing(it's my favorite)

My other best friend, SunnyD is also on fanfiction.
Here's her link:

We three make up The Dusty Tomatoes. We are currently co-writing a play. I'll write a synopsis and post it later. We're waiting until we have a bit more written before we post it on the account me share on I will have the link and everything once we have something there. I think that's it. Of course, there's Synfan's blog:

I was taking pictures of some of my artwork, but my camera ran out of batteries, so I have to let it charge for a while, but once it's fully charged I'll finish the pics and hopefully have some posted by tonight.