Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Goodbye, 2008

Hey, everyone! 2008 has gone by so fast, but it's been packed with history. I want to use this post to take a look back on '08. Enjoy!

1.Obama is elected as the first black president.

2. The Palin's rock the tabloids world after Sarah's chosen to run alongside McCain.

3.Heath Ledger passes away January 22-R.I.P. One of the best actors ever.

4.The Dark Knight breaks box office records and gives birth to a joker frenzy.

5.I started this blog in January! Wow, time flies.

6.Jamie Lynn Spears-Britney Spears' younger sister-has her first child at age 17.

7.Miley Cyrus' "racy" Vogue photoshoot.

8.The Tampa Bay Rays win the world series. :( (GO RED SOX!)

9.Clay Aiken finally admits he prefers kissing boys.

10.Twilight goes from just a book to a phenomenon as more people start reading the books.

11.Twilight becomes a movie.

12.Breaking Dawn came out over the summer.

13.I'm Betting On Alice(our Twilight blog) get started up by Synfan.

14.Our economy experiences it's worst state since the Great Depression(yippee.)

I'll post more when I think of them. If you have any more add them in the comments and I'll put them up.


Shela said...

Another year is going by... I'll definitely miss it. Let's see if I can add more to the list..

15. Tyra Banks is the one and only person Edward bites on national television.

16. Celebrity pregnancies hold a new record.

17. Beijing Olympics.

18. Michael Phelps breaks records.

19. Largest voting audience ever in America.

20. Midnight Sun was illegaly released; causes a stir.

21. Britney Spears makes the ultimate comeback.

Anonymous said...

22. Some dude throws a show at Bush (haha, that was amazing)

23. Michael Chrichton dies (RIP)

24. We finally see Ed sparkle

25. I finally watch WALL-E

26. I actually start watching Drake and Josh on YouTube

27. Metallica releases a new, but terrible album

28. Kanye's mom dies (or was that in 2007...oh well, RIP)

Anonymous said...

2008 hasnt been my was a terrible year for me

Anonymous said...

oh my bad...i meant

22. some dude throws a SHOE at Bush

i can't type today

Anonymous said...

oh my bad...i meant

22. some dude throws a SHOE at Bush

i can't type today