Thursday, June 4, 2009


Hey, everyone!
I've been really busy, but I've got some free time now and I thought I'd post again so you don't think I've fallen off the face of the earth :P
It's exam week. I had my first one today(yesterday was the last day of classes :( & :D ). I got out at 11:30, then Sarah and I hung out at the pool! I get out early tomorrow, Monday, and on Tuesday I get out at 10:30!!! YAY! Then it's summer time. Planning on going out to lunch(Panera!) and then shopping with my girls to celebrate Nikki's b-day!!
Hopefully the rain will stop sometime soon so I can go to the pool again...
I'm finally catching up on The Host(yeah, I'm STILL not finished-I put it down for a while) now that I have time after my exams. I'm also reading,"The Definitive Guide to Stuff White People Like-The Unique Taste of Millions"-it's basically what the title says. It's the funniest book I've ever read. It's based on the blog. I'll post a review once I'm finished.

I've become a little overly obsessed with origami lately. I learned how to make an inflatable bunny, a sailboat, a butterfly, and a heart. Here's one of my many bunnies! I'll post more pics of my other stuff once I take some.

So what's new in your life?

P.S. Just found this song-and it made me day: