Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Week In Hell

TGIAF! (Thank God It's Almost Friday)
This week has been SO long, even though I missed school yesterday and my first two periods on Monday(or was it tuesday? I just don't know the days of the week anymore).
So, yeah, this week has been TERRIBLE. On top of the terrible stomach problems I've been having(apparently, I don't eat enough fruit and i'm paying for it in 3 weeks of pain), I got a really bad cold. So I had to go around school, up three floors and answer people's stupid questions with an almost-fever sickness. Luckily, when I was sick, I didn't really notice my stomach hurting...but now that I'm feeling better, my stomach pain is emphasized.
On top of all of that, I'm taking a sewing class, which was definitely one of the worst choices I've ever made, and I have to make a skirt. We got this project like, 3 months ago. Unfortunately, I suck majorly at even the simplest of sewing, so I missed the due date on Tuesday and I'm stuck coming in at lunch to finish the huge amount that I have to do.
Oh, and everyone seems to get a kick outta this one: I woke up this morning and before I left, I checked the temperature. Well, since I didn't want to turn on the light by the door, I just held my ipod screen up to it. There was a glare, but I thought it said 75 degrees. In my drowsy state I didn't realize that that's ludicrous with the weather we've had. So I just took my sweatshirt. Anyway, I got outside and checked my ipod's weather-turns out it was 35, not 75. Sucks, huh? So I froze in the morning. Luckily, it got slightly warmer. And I didn't have to spend much time outside.
Exams are coming up, and if I want to raise my three B's and a C, I'm going to have to do some major studying. So my weekend's basically going to suck.
I was hoping to go see Bride Wars tommorrow, but I don't think it'll work out. I just need one night to relax and unwind from this crazy week. Maybe Saturday, though.
Sorry I had to vent so much.
Anyone else have a really bad week?
Maybe this will make it better. It's been going through my head.

P.S. Sorry about the weird font-size change. Why is it that you change the font size for one word and then there's no way back to the original size? It's annoying.


Shela said...

I'm sorry you had a bad week :(
Get some vitamin C in your system, girl!

Danielle said...

Omg, my week has sucked too!! : (

I'm sorry about your stomach pain/ sickness : ( : (

Please call me when you get the chance, I really gotta talk to you and Shanni

Anonymous said...

if u think ur week sucked, Alanna, imagine how mine went

Alanna said...

At least you weren't in PHYSICAL pain an forced to walk all over school and up three flights of stairs feeling like your head would explode or you'd throw up.

Anonymous said...

i was in emotional pain.

Alanna said...

I'm sorry, but you have to admit that my week was much worse, even if it kills you.

Koneko said...

Yeah, ok, my boyfriend and I had a huge fight, broke up, got back together at 2 a.m last night, and then he was in a car accident. My week has SUCKED!