Saturday, January 3, 2009

Pullips, New Blog, and the Heart Of Life

Ok, I'm going to confess my dorkiness, right here, right now. Brace yourselves.
I've become absolutely obsessed with these BJD(ball-joint dolls) called Pullips(Poo-leeps). They're super adorable, super-posable dolls made in Korea that are popular in Japan. Anyway, my mom got one a few months ago. I decided I wanted one, so I got one for Christmas, while my mom got two more, a guy and a girl.
Let me tell you, I've never been so glad I saved so much crap. I've always been one to never let go of things-old papers/letters, broken toys, and, luckily, all my barbie furniture/clothes/accessories. Yes, call me crazy, but I have a total of three boxes full of barbie stuff. One HUGE box of furniture, two slightly smaller boxes full of barbies themselves along with accessories and clothing. And I keep buying more. I already have two rooms made for my doll. Post pics soon.
The great thing about them is that they are extremely posable. You can even change their bodies, to get a more flexible one. They're also very customizable. You can buy different wigs and eyechips and change the doll to whatever you want.
I've been taking pics of mine NON-STOP. Addicted, much?
I've decided to start a Pullip blog with my mom. I'll post more once I have it set up.

Has anyone heard "Heart Of Life" by John Mayer? I LOVE that song SO much. The guitar, the old-timey feeling, and John Mayer's gorgeous voice. Check it out here:

P.S. More doll pics here


CharityReads said...

I just happened upon your blog and noticed that we liked some of the same thing (twilight, rob pattinson, reading, john mayer, etc), but I'm not so sure about these dolls, what's the draw to them?

Alanna said...

I really don't know why they're so fun. If you love taking pictures, they're awesome. it's like your own personal model you can customize.
And i've always been in love with minitures. Don't really know why.
Anyway, if you're not interested, then you can just ignore that post. The dolls are around $80 anyway, so if you're not really into it, then don't buy one.
Thanks for reading!

Danielle said...

Lol, that's it, Alanna. Embrace your obsessions : D

Anonymous said...

that sounds like the ever-so-awesome line from Batman Begins:

"embrace your fear."

CharityReads said...

After I left my first comment I went and looked at the pictures of the pullips, and you are right, they are very cute! Just thought I would let you know :)