Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why Blog?

"A blog is merely a tool that lets you do anything from change the world to share your shopping list."

Nikki brought up a good point today-what is the purpose of blogging? Is there any? I began thinking about. The reasons I blog may be completely different from those of other bloggers. I'm going investigate these reasons. Feel free to add some in the comments!
  1. Money-We all love that nice green stuff. Though it's rare that you would actually make enough money to really make it worth blogging solely for the moolah, for some people, blogging could bring a decent amount of cash. It all depends on popularity.
  2. Change-Some people blog in order to change the world in some way, shape, or form. I think it's worth blogging about your opinions even if you can only change one person's mind.
  3. Connections-You meet so many people while blogging. It's one of the main reasons I love doing it. I think I would have quit a long time ago if I didn't enjoy every time I receive a comment in my email, especially from someone new. You can form so many connections through blogging. You meet people with similar interests, make friends, and sometimes even people who can help you reach your goal, whatever it may be.
  4. Journal-Blogging can often serve as a place to spill your guts. Like a public journal. Some people find relief in writing down all their feelings and telling other people about them.
  5. Moral support-I've found the Blogspot community to be a very friendly one, unlike Youtube and similarly popular sites. People have had nothing but nice things to say to me. You guys are like my cheerleaders! You get a lot of empathy and sympathy when you broaden your audience.
  6. Entertaining-Me, I like to entertain people. It's one reason I like blogging. If you read this blog more than once, chances are it's because it's entertained you. I like putting smiles on people's faces and I get satisfaction from it.
  7. Followers/Commenters/Fans-This is definitely my favorite reason for blogging. This blog started out so small. Only my best friends would read it. I haven't the slightest clue how it became so "big". Even having 18 followers seems like a lot. I love that feeling you get when you realize that people like what you are doing. It's a really good feeling. I love getting comments from you guys-keep 'em coming! The more you comment and follow, the more I write. And the better. Every time more people come, I feel the need to up the quality of the blog.
  8. Boredom-Not sure how I forgot this one, considering the URL of my blog, but Maria reminded me(shout out!) Why do I blog? Because sometimes I'm just so darn bored :)
If you're a blogger, tell me, why do you blog? If you're not, why don't you?

I love all of my readers so so much! Hugs and kisses to you guys-you make writing fun for me!


Bella_182 said...

great Q might I say.
I blog bc 1: I've got nothing better to do lol
and 2: I love sharing my thoughts with everyone else who reads my blog((Which is like no one! lol))