Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Dark Knight

Ok, I'll probably be eaten alive for this, but I'm just giving my honest opinion. Turn around now if you are a Dark Knight fan.

My dad's and basically everyone else I know has been begging me to watch the movie forever. So I finally watched it with my parents last night. I will say one thing-the acting was incredible. I can see how Heath Ledger was tortured by playing the Joker-I would be.
I really hated the movie, though. I like movies that give you hope, but this was just all people pulling guns on each other and turning from bad to good guys. I actually got bored, so I left during the second half of the movie. My parents continued watching it. It was my mom's first time seeing it too and she said I was smart to have left. We both like happy endings, or at least some nice resolution. But there was none.
I'll also say that Christian Bale was extremely hot. I didn't used to think he was hot, but when he's moving, he's incredibly sexy. He's not too great in pictures, though. Good thing Synfan and I aren't friends anymore, she'd ridicule me to no end for changing my mind.
He looked AMAZING in the boat scene, where he went from partially-shirtless in a white button-down(he looked great in white) to totally shirtless and diving(nice muscles). I hated his voice when he was Batman, though.

Anyway, I really hated the movie, but that was just me. I can't understand why it's so popular, but I guess it's just the incredible acting.

Please don't be too harsh in the comments, we're all entitled to our own opinions.
I have a bad feeling that I'm going to regret posting this...


Danielle said...

Wait, you left during the second half of the movie? You mean you didn't finish it?!

We have a rule in book club that if you don't finish a book you're not allowed to say a single word about it. If you seriously didn't finish the movie then I am of the opinion that you shouldn't be able to judge it.

The_Brain said...

"Please don't be too harsh in the comments"" I'll try,lol.

This is one of the few posts I've read about hating this movie. I have to say that I loved the movie for the same reasons you hated it. Despite the fact that I also love happy conclusions to movies, I appreciated the fact that they made this movie darker and that it wasn't so "black & white", the hero isn't always rightuous.

But yeah I admit I went to see the movie just because I'm a DC comics fan.

At least, you acknowledged the fact that the acting was great and you didn't just bashed the movie for no reasons.

Alanna said...

Well, from what I heard, things only got worse after I left, and I watched enough that I think I have the right to judge whether or not I liked it.

I really only love comedy. Dark, violent movies I hate. I only watched this because everyone's been begging me to. I wasn't looking forward to it.
I really wish I liked it.

So Catholic said...

I thought it was meh, the acting was no doubt amazing but the storyline was kind of off bleh...

You should see Lord of the Rings

Danielle said...

Alright, but this is totally hypocritical. We always complain about the people who bash the Twilight series and haven't even read it, and now you're doing the same thing with this movie!! >: (

I'm sorry, but you can't say you hate something if you don't finish it.

Alanna said...

That's completely different! They don't read it at all, they go by the stereotype. I WATCHED MOST OF THE MOVIE FOR GOD'S SAKE! It's not my type of movie! It was entirely too violent and disturbing! I could already tell it wasn't going to be something I would like based on the previews. With books, you can't tell that immediately. when it's something you have to phsyically WATCH, it's completely different. You can make a snap judgement as to whether it's something you'd be interested in or not.
I'm entitled to my opinion and you if you don't agree, you can suck it.
Love ya!

Danielle said...

I'm fine with you hating the movie, that's your opinion.

Still, I can't wrap my mind around having such a strong opinion about something you didn't finish >.<

I mean, I can understand where you're coming from with you not liking the violence and stuff, but couldn't you at least finish it for the incredible acting? Heath Ledger's amazing role as the joker, in other words?

Alanna said...

I couldn't finish it because it was literally disturbing me. In see you haven't noticed, I am slightly mentally ill. I get distubed by things like that and they don't leave my mind. Sorry if that bothers you so much... :(