Sunday, March 1, 2009

Twilight Fan Meeting Pics

I found some pics from the Fan Meeting in Japan. Thought I'd post a couple.
Can I just say, Kristen's dress is GORGEOUS. And of course, the guys look amazing, as usual(the Twilight group is farby the most attractive out of all groups that have ever existed)
Looks like Rob's saying something pretty interesting in the first pic.
Here's the link for more:

P.S. Looks like the weather's about the same as it is here: cold and rainy.


So Catholic said...

Your images are missing


PS go to my new blog and follow that one, your finally following me but on the blog I abandoned ;_;

PSS I have to admit I thought you were talking about Sarah liking me James for all of about ten seconds, my assumption was that you were attempting to prove that Sarah had bad taste. I did not however think you were being serious.

Alanna said...



Ok. Last time I checked, that was the only blog there. Why don't u just delete it?

So Catholic said...

I posted the link to the new blog there, my only two followers, of which you are one have not yet moved, that's why :p

I am a slave to my loyal fanbase



Alanna said...

Hmm....the pics seem to show up on my computer. Not my ipod, though...not sure why...can anyone else see them?