Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Very Geeky Me

Ok, so since I got my dolls and especially since I started my Flickr account, I've become one of the biggest photog geeks you will ever meet. Seriously, I'm an addict, and I'm here to confess.
You know you're a super-geeky photographer when.....
1. Most of your outdoors life is spent looking through the digital screen on your camera.
2. You get excited because you were asked to join a group on Flickr(if you have an account, you know what I mean)
3. "Reading the newspaper" means mostly looking through Best Buy ads looking for cheap prices on cameras(even though I don't really want/need a new camera, I love mine, and I don't have enough money for one anyway)
4. You load up at least 30 pictures(most of the time, it's between 70-100, though) to your computer every other day.
5. When you're constantly looking at other pictures, wanting to put them into Flickr's editing program, Picnik, and effect the hell out of them.
6. When you get excited that someone favorited one of your pics.
7. When you're making lists like these and confessing to random people on the internet that you're a total freak.

I've said it plenty of times, and I'll say it again I'M CRAZY!!!

P.S. In case you want to check out my pics, here's the link to my Flickr(I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if you checked them out:


Anonymous said...

Your Pics are ahhmazing ! Your such a good photographer and those pictures you drew are really good your really talented@

Alanna said...

Thank you so much! You just made my day.

So Catholic said...

The dolls will be around forever, nature is constantly changing. Capture the beauty of nature to remember it in the future, I like those red blossoms, what kind of tree is that?

Honestly some of your pictures are truly stunning, and only 70-100 pictures? I hear the pros take thousands of pictures of the same thing in order to find the one perfect picture.

Can you tell I just want to see more of those trees yet?


Alanna said...

Yes, but you have to understand that it's not always the greatest weather to take pictures. and I like to take a lot of pics of the dolls in nature.

It's called a redbud. I went out to get more pictures a couple minutes ago(i took TONS!!!!) and there were so many bees on that tree that I was only able to snap a few pics.

I'm uploading 208 right now. I do have to take a lot of pics to get what I want. So it's pretty amazin when I take the pic once and it turns out the way I desired.

Omg, I got the greatest pics of the raindrops on flowers/leaves. You'll love it. I'll post the pics I love when my camera's finished loading them up. I'll make a post about it so you know when to check.

Seriously, you're boosting my self esteem like crazy.

So Catholic said...

Wait their are bees?

I hope you were brave enough to attempt a shot of those? It might be interesting to see a a shot centered on a bee sitting atop a flower, preferably not a yellow flower :P

James is ignoring his schoolwork ^_^

Alanna said...

I think they were bees. They were kinda small, so they might be yellow jackets or something, but yeah, they were all over the tree. I was so pissed cuz I couldn't get close enough to take a pic! I would've loved to get a pic of one, but I didn't want to risk getting stung.

Me too. And I have SO much to do. I should get started on it once my pics are done.

So Catholic said...

You should get a deviant art account, a lot of your pictures are beautiful, I would be interested to see if people would notice it on such a website. (aka a website devoted to creating and admiring art)

I would point out though that you would have to deal with the occasional thing you just did not want to see, that's probably true of the whole internet though.

Like this one time I was on facebook and I saw this picture of a naked guy...details left out to protect the innocent and childlike

Alanna said...

Yeah...I think I'm going to stick with just Flickr right now. it's hard to do two accounts and have to update both of them.

So Catholic said...

Fair enough, sooner or later you would just stop updating the one that you don't like as much.

Danielle said...

I love the Sunshine on a Cloudy Day pic!! : D

Those are great Azzie, and I love that your account is called DustyTomatoes : P

Alanna said...


Yeah, hehe

Shela said...

Yeah honestly Alanna, you've got some skills with a camera. Are you going to major in photography in college?

Alanna said...


I'm hoping to!