Saturday, March 21, 2009

What's New

So not much happened this week. I finally joined the 21st century and bought myself my first cell phone! It's an LG Flare.

Nikki, Sarah, and SunnyD came over. We had tons of fun. We played Apples to Apples(which is always interesting, especially when we describe each other as being what the green cards we've collected are) and we also played Scategories(best game ever-if you haven't played it, do it) which was super funny. I love you guys!!! We need to get together more often.
I also went to watch an international ping-pong championship. It was very interesting. Most of the people were either Asian or really gay white guys.

Not doing too much tomorrow. My dad and grandparents are coming back from my great uncle's funeral in Boston and then my other grandparents are coming over and we're all celebrating my lil' sis' birthday.

I've taken a break from reading The Host because I've gotten to this part where someone's dying and at the moment it's hitting a little too close to home. But i promise y'all, I will pick it up sometime not too far from now.

Hope you all have an awesome weekend!

P.S. All the flowers are in bloom! The pic above is of our redbud tree.


Shela said...

Hey, me too with The Host; I've been a little too distracted to pick it up lately.

I love Scategories! I used to play that in my connections class in high school. The boys vs girls rounds were always the best.

You go girl-- you're doing great in spite of all of the depressing things that re happening right now. I feel bummed out about certain things too but I'm trying not to let them get to me.

Things'll work out soon ;)

Alanna said...

It's so LONG! And some parts get really slow, but you just have to work through them to get to the good stuff.

Isn't it the best game ever?

I'm doing so much better than I was just a few days ago, even. I seriously have the best friends in the whole wide world and they've all been super supportive. I couldn't ask for better people in my life.

I was bummed about not going to the funeral, because, for me, a funeral's like closure. My mind can't believe that someone's dead until I'm actually at the funeral. But when I was in math class and I realized that I should've been at the funeral sometime around then, i dunno, it just had the same effect. So basically, I ended up crying in math didn't help that my teacher was crying for some reason-whenever i see somone cry, i feel like crying. Luckily, I sit int he back of the room and it was dark, so I cried silently. Isn't that sad? Wow.

Sorry if I'm depressing you.

Danielle said...

We love you too, Azzie!! I'm glad that you're doing better.

Shela said...

Yeah I totally get what you mean. I've been there before too. Sometimes you think that if yu make it through today, you'll get over it. But then next week comes and BAM you get smacked in the face with reality. I hate not knowing when to expect my emotions to get to me. They seem to be a step behind me everytime.

Friends rock. Thank God they're there when you need 'em right? How else could we have survived?

So Catholic said...

That is a really nice picture!

Who took it?

Alanna said...

Thanks, I took it.

So Catholic said...

Quite the little photographer aren't you :P

Alanna said...

Lol, I try :)

If you want to see more of my pics, you can go here:

Just ignore the doll pics. There are plenty that aren't doll related.